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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Teologický časopis |
Teologický časopis |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Miroslav ADAM OP s. 5
Kánonické predpisy Katolíckej cirkvi latinského a byzantského obradu, ktoré sa vzťahujú na látku a formu eucharistickej obety
The Canonical Discipline of the Latin Rite and Byzantine Rite Catholic Church Concerning the Matter and Form of the Eucharistic Sacrifice
As far as concerns the matter and form of the Eucharistic sacrifice in the Catholic Church of Latin Rite in ancient Hungary, the whole of the discipline of the Latin Church in this area was introduced and applied through synodal legislation.
The Byzantine-Slavic Church, in accordance with the Byzantine tradition, uses leavened wheat bread, while the Latin Church uses unleavened bread.
In the second half of the seventeenth century, around Makovica in the province of Šariš in what is now eastern Slovakia, among the many parish priests of Byzantine-Slavic rite there were only three who consecrated wheat bread; all the others used oat bread.
The synodal statutes of Zamość of 1720, which were applied in 1727 in the eparchy of Mukačevo, resumed the conciliar prescriptions of Florence when dealing with the matter for the Eucharist.
There were also some problems regarding the form of the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the Byzantine-Slavic Church in ancient Hungary. The Byzantine-Slavic Christians were not united under a single metropolitan see in the vast territory which they occupied, and so used euchologia of varying origin. The Synod of Zamość, basing itself on the conciliar decrees of Florence, legislated in this area too.
The problem of the diversity of words of consecration used in the Divine Liturgy by Greek Catholics in ancient Hungary was resolved definitively only with the publication of liturgical books at the imperial printing house of Vienna, as the Synod of Hungarian Greek Catholic bishops, celebrated there in 1773, had ordered.
Keywords: the matter and form of the Eucharistic sacrifice, leavened and unleavened bread, the Catholic Church of Latin rite, the Church of Byzantine rite, the Council of Florence and ancient Hungary, the Synod of Zamość, the Eparchy of Mukačevo.
Alžbeta DUFFEROVÁ OSU s. 13
Mať alebo nemať rozum. Bonaventúrove Collationes in Hexaëmeron
To Be Sensible or Unsensible. Bonaventura’s Collationes in Hexaëmeron
The present study reveals some beautiful aspects of medieval treasure in the first three collationes of Bonaventura’s work Collationes in Hexaëmeron. It can surprise by its very simple structure and at the same time by its realy deep contents and challenge to take more care for our innermost life just now in ourdays, in the middle of thousand external preocupations.
Jozef HERIBAN SDB s. 25
„Zmýšľajte tak ako Kristus Ježiš.“ Ideálny projekt a životný štýl kresťanského spoločenstva. Exegetická úvaha o Flp 2,1-5
“Your Attitude Must Be that of Jesus.” An Ideal Project and Lifestyle of a Christian Community. Exegetical Reflection on Phil 2:1-5
The exhortatory section Phil 2:1-5 with the following christological hymn (Phil 2:6-11) contains a stirring appeal by the apostle to unity and mutual consideration and presents Jesus as the supreme example of the humble, self-sacrificing, self-giving service. Although the hymn is a christological gem unparalleled in the NT and may have been originally composed for christological or soteriological reasons, Paul’s object in using it here is not primarily to give instructions in doctrine but to appeal to the conduct of Christ and to reinforce instruction in Christian living. The hymn presents Christ as the ultimate model for Christian behaviour and action. V. 5 forms the link between the two sections (vv. 1-4 and 6-11). The apostle introduces Christ Jesus as the supreme example of self-abnegation and humility, and urges the Philippians to „adopt towards one another in their mutual relations, the same attitude which was found in Christ Jesus“. The meaning of this right attitude to and regard for others, humility and compassion, which Paul calls for in vv. 1-4, sets forth Christ Jesus as „the Lordly Example“. The hoped-for attitude set forth by Paul corresponds with that exhibited by Christ Jesus and that the Philippians are bound to act in accordance with this attitude toward one another if they wish to imitate their Lord... and share with him in his exaltation and glory.
Novoveký výskum židovských vedcov o historickom Ježišovi od osvietenstva do druhej svetovej vojny
Modern Jewish Research on the Historical Jesus from the Enlightenment to World War II
The main characteristic of the present quest of the historical Jesus is a focus on the Jewishness of Jesus in the context of 1st century Judaism. In recent decades, Jewish and Christian scholars have begun to cooperate, but the history of Jesus research done by Jewish scholars working alone has a much longer, and different, history. Since the 19th century, generations of rabbis and scientists have interpreted Jesus as a Jew within the framework of Judaism. However, their voices were often ignored. This article reviews the historical background of the Jewish reclamation of Jesus and, as well, identifies the leading Jewish scholars who have contributed to the quest between the 19th century and mid-20th century.
František KUNETKA str. 49
Laudatio matrimonii. Svatební modlitba nad manžely jako locus theologicus
Laudatio matrimonii. The Matrimonial Prayer over the Spouses as a locus theologicu
The solemn prayer over the spouses (benedictio nuptialis) is an important element of the rites of marriage and at the same time a source of impulses for the theology of matrimony. This study contains a little anthology of these texts with a brief commentary. Both Jewish studies and apocalyptic literature are represented, texts of Roman and extra-Roman Sacramentaries, Eastern and Reformation traditions are cited. The study would like to contribute to a better apprecation of this prayer in the rites of marriage.
Matúš SITÁR s. 61
„Credo quia absurdum.“ Racionálne a iracionálne v Tertulliánovej teológii
Credo quia absurdum. Rationality and Irrationality in Tertullian’s Theology
The paper intends to examine Tertullian’s attitude towards natural reason and its champions, philosophers. The first part analyses the „Credo quia absurdum“ , an alleged declaration of the absurdity and irrationality of Christian faith, in the context of a treatise De carne Christi where it appears as well as in the context of the whole antimarcionite polemics, of which De carne Christi is but a small part. Rather than the declaration of irrationality, the “Credo quia absurdum” comes out to be a climax of two lines of argument – one of the necessity of believing in articles of Christian faith, unacceptable to the secular world, and the other of their necessary interdependency. The two lines are being identified with the help of Tertullian’s main antimarcionite work Adversus Marcionem, where they are kept separate. On the grounds of this results the Moffat’s interpretation based on rhetorical figures is criticised.
The second part deals with how Tertullian sees philosophers, castigating them on the one hand for being the root of all heresies, but praising them on the other for providing the Christian theologians with arguments and logical tools, of which Tertullian is shown to use e.g. modus tollens and or the proceedings of a dialecticical inquiry. |
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