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Edícia Dialógy
Teologický časopis
Studia Aloisiana
Starokresťanská knižnica
Sociálne záležitosti
Zaujímavé ponuky
Medzinárodné vzťahy
Schola Gloria Dei
Očami študentov
Vnútorný systém kvality
Život na Aloisiane
 Edícia Dialógy
Edícia Dialógy
Rastislav Nemec – Miloš Lichner – Michal Chabada – Marcela Andoková
Pluralita myslenia v tradícii kresťanského staroveku a stredoveku

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
216 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–866–5
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Ivan Kútny
Špecifiká morálneho svedomia

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2015.
100 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–896–2
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Miloš Lichner SJ – Miroslava Jusková OSF – Ján Benkovský SJ
Rehoľné sľuby v konfrontácii spiritualít

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2015.
148 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–885–6
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Jozef Matulník a kol.
Analýza religiozity mladých katolíkov na Slovensku

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
352 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–884–9
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Gloria Braunsteiner, Ladislav Csontos SJ, Andrej Filipek SJ
Nové formy pastorácie a spirituality rozvedených katolíkov po Druhom vatikánskom koncile

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
88 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–872–6
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Lukáš Jeník, Miroslav Karaba, Rastislav Nemec
Filozofické východisko profamily stratégie

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
84 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–881–8
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Rastislav Bednárik, Mária Šmidová, Jozef Žuffa
Empirické a metodologické východiská profamily stratégie

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
76 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–877–1
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Mária Šmidová
Dozrievanie v láske

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
96 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–853–5
Slovensky Obsah  
Marián Gavenda
Fortes in fide

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
472 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–865–8
Slovensky Obsah  
Miloš Lichner SJ
Lev Veľký a jeho Tomus ad Flavianum

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
88 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–859–7
Slovensky Obsah  
Martin Csontos
Slobodný človek v spravodlivej spoločnosti

Warszawa : Rhetos, 2013.
304 s.
ISBN 978-83-89781-75-8
Slovensky Obsah  
Mária Šmidová
Perspektívy pomoci ľuďom s postihnutím a ich rodinám

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2013.
216 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-810-8
Slovensky Obsah  
Martin Šarkan
Ku koncepcii prirodzeného a nadprirodzeného v myslení Tomáša Akvinského

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2011.
92 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–724–8
Slovensky Obsah  
Stanislava Prítrská
Syndróm vyhorenia a duchovné cvičenia Ignáca z Loyoly

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2011.
152 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–713–2
English Obsah  
Hľadať Boha vo všetkých veciach : Kontemplatívni v činnosti

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010.
120 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–674–6
English Obsah  
L’arte musicale come espressione e stimolo della fede. La Passione secondo Giovanni di J.S. Bach

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
306 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–662–3
Mária – Hviezda novej evanjelizácie : Z vybraných apoštolských listov a homílií Jána Pavla II.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
168 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–650–0
Slovensky Nemecky Obsah  
Rastislav NEMEC
Náčrt Whiteheadovej procesuálnej filozofie

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
184 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–644–9
Slovensky Nemecky Obsah  
Miroslav KARABA
Filozofické implikácie kvantovej teórie vo filozofii prírody

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
256 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–573–2
English Obsah  
Alexander PUSS SJ
A szüzesség eszménye a II. Vatikáni Zsinat utáni egyházi dokumentumokban és annak bemutatása az ifjúsági pasztorációban

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008.
296 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–593–0
Homiletické směrnice : Z dejín homiletiky na Morave, v Čechách a na Slovensku

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
124 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–565–7
Slovensky English Obsah  
Vlastimil DUFKA SJ
Cantus Catholici (1655) Il primo libro stampato dei canti cattolici per la liturgia e per la catechesi in Slovacchia

Trnava - Rím : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
312 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–570–1
Slovensky English Taliansky Obsah  
La postmodernità nel dibattito bioetico. Il caso delle questioni di fine vita

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
284 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–563–3
Slovensky English Taliansky Obsah  
Štruktúra byzantskej utierne („orthros“) podľa hudobných rukopisov 14. – 15. storočia „taxis tôn akolouthiôn“

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
152 s.
ISBN 80–7141–466–2
Slovensky English Taliansky Obsah  
Odovzdávať vieru v súčasnej spoločnosti

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2006.
176 s.
ISBN 80–7141–525–1
Slovensky English Obsah  
The Eternity of God

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2005.
392 s.
ISBN 80–7141–484–0
Slovensky English Obsah  
František SOČUFKA SJ
Diakonia slova v slovenskom vysielaní Vatikánskeho rozhlasu.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004.
240 s.
ISBN 80–7141–453–0
Slovensky English Obsah  
Postmodernizmus a jeho civilizačno-kultúrne konzekvencie.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004.
190 s.
ISBN 80–7141–452–2
Slovensky English Obsah  
Dominika Alžbeta DUFFEROVÁ OSU
Európa – priestor práva a spravodlivosti.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
208 s.
ISBN 80–7141–427–1
Slovensky English Obsah  
Antiklerikalizmus. Niektoré aspekty antiklerikalizmu v Európe v 19. a 20. storočí.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
186 s.
ISBN 80–7141–428–X
Slovensky English Obsah  
Dôstojnosť človeka v starobe, chorobe a zomieraní.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
150 s.
ISBN 80–7141–429–8
Slovensky English Obsah  
Liturgický rok v katechéze.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2002.
230 s.
ISBN 80–7141–405–0
Slovensky English Obsah  
Tóra a moderní židovská filosofie.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
164 s.
ISBN 80–7141–402–6
English Česky Obsah  
Vplyv Biblie na kresťanskú latinčinu. Grécizmy a hebrejizmy pri používaní predložky in.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2002.
132 s.
ISBN 80–7141–373–9
Slovensky English Latinsky Obsah  
Problematika vyučovania náboženstva na Slovensku v rokoch 1948 – 1973.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2001.
86 s.
ISBN 80–7141–364–X
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Cez symbolickú reč liturgických znakov bližšie ku Kristovi.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2001.
296 s.
ISBN 80–7141–352–6
Slovensky Nemecky Francúzsky Obsah  
Karol ĎURČEK SJ a Mikuláš BLAŽEK
Filozofický a fyzikálny pohľad na kozmológiu.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2001.
262 s.
ISBN 80–7141–297–X
English Obsah  
Kanonické pramene byzantsko-slovanskej katolíckej cirkvi v Mukačevskej a Prešovskej eparchii v porovnaní s Kódexom kánonov východných cirkví.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2000.
286 s.
ISBN 80-7141-306-2
Slovensky Taliansky Obsah  
Marián MRÁZ SJ
Problém utrpenia a jeho riešenie v medicínskej etike.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2000.
136 s.
ISBN 80–7141–301–1
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Človek, utrpenie, nemocnica.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2000.
176 s.
ISBN 80–7141–300–3
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Cirkev a štát na Slovensku v rokoch 1918 – 1945.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
136 s.
ISBN 80–7141–268–6
Slovensky Nemecky Obsah  
Patriarchálne Cirkvi v Kódexe kánonov východných cirkví.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
224 s.
ISBN 80–7141–269–4
Slovensky English Obsah  
Dominika Alžbeta DUFFEROVÁ OSU
Nomos Európy podľa Karola Schmidta.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
120 s.
ISBN 80–7141–250–3
Slovensky Francúzsky Španielsky Obsah  
Tajomstvá Božieho kráľovstva.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
296 s.
ISBN 80-7141-248-1
Slovensky Nemecky Francúzsky Obsah  
Rozlišovanie duchov.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
108 s.
ISBN 80–7141–247–3
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Eutanázia z pohľadu katolíckej morálky.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1998.
112 s.
ISBN 80–7141–195–7
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Ježiš Kristus – Počiatok, Plnosť a Zavŕšenie všetkého v dielach Czesława Stanisława Bartnika

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1998.
136 s.
ISBN 80–7141–034–9
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Obnova farnosti cez neokatechumenát

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1998.
264 s.
ISBN 80–7141–036–5
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
P. Michal Lacko SJ – informátor a formátor gréckokatolíkov

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1997.
418 s.
ISBN 80–7141–155–8
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Celostné chápanie vzťahu človeka k Bohu v Duchovných cvičeniach svätého Ignáca z Loyoly

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1997.
232 s.
ISBN 80–7141–154–X
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
   English ZATVORIŤ
The increasing level of interest for spirituality is also visible in Slovakia after the fall of the communist regime; a large number of books – almost translations – concerning this topic are published; the offer of meditation workshops is getting wider. This kind of workshop is marked by thinking and spirituality which is not Christian. Many Christians are participating in these courses and they forget or do not know what rich springs of spirituality there are in the Christian tradition at all. One of these rich sources are Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
In my work, which aims to be a manual for those who are beginners in giving exercises, I try first of all to discover the original dynamics of spiritual exercises and their effects. The short description of what the spiritual exercises are and what they are not is followed by a small discourse about origin and theological research history of spiritual exercises, and of the praxis of the Slovak Jesuits. I pay special attention to the annotations of St. Ignatius which are in a certain way the methodical introduction of the author and which provide basic instructions for giving these spiritual exercises. The annotations appear as the first and the most authentic directory that should be followed by the person who is giving the exercises. In this directory it is shown that in the relationship to God not only intellectual abilities have to be applied for but also the will, affections, imaginations, all ways of human acting, and the entire human being with the whole dynamics of this being.
I see that ways of prayer show their power and increase the abundance and completeness of man’s self giving to God. The ways of prayer are accompanied by general and particular examination of consciousness, which is a special way of thanksgiving prayer. This way of prayer helps man to better understand the elementary motions his acting is motivated by. The ways of prayer create one group of effective sources in the Christian’s way to perfection in the love of God and to their neighbour. The weeks of spiritual exercises are not treated in the form of ready meditations, lectures or points, but in the form of an introduction, where the most important moments, which the person giving exercises cannot avoid, are emphasised. In the first week it is the principle and the foundation that lead to the clearing of the image of God and of man himself. The first five exercises of the first week aim to purify the man from sin and disordered affections. The first week presents the way of purification which ends in the joyfull and calm consolation of the soul. This is the condition for the exercitant to continue into the second week. The central and the most important point in the second week is the choice that I am paying special attention to this part.
The third and the fourth weeks confirm the choice and they could be underestood as a way of unification. This way culminates in the contemplation to attain love which creates the fluent transition to daily life.
The rules of St. Ignatius are treated in a similar way to the ways of prayer – in common. I pay special attention to the rules for the discernment of spirits that are very important in the Christian life, because the decisions of a Christian should be made by himself and with responsibility. Rules concerning scruples are concerned with special attention, because they are very real for the person giving exercises and for the spiritual directors. Finally I add some sentences about the rules for thinking with the Church. These rules are a special expression of the love to Christ represented in the form of his Mystical Body. They also have a great importance today, when, because of the influence of the charismatical streams, some tension is present in the Church.
The second part that wants to be a practical manual for the beginner in giving exercises is a mixture of suitable biblical texts for prayer in the spiritual exercises and of different models of retreats and also of exercises in the daily life. These models want to be the beginning for the work of the person giving exercises by composing his own course of the spiritual exercises according to the needs of the exercitants. Because of this it is important that the person giving exercises makes discourses with the exercitans individually or in the group so that the person knows their state and needs. The spiritual exercises can last different lengths of time, but at least three days at retreats. But the spiritual exercises according to the 19th annotation i.e. in the daily life long courses, from two months, are better. In conclusion, possibilities for further study of the problematics of spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola are indicated. Similar studies have been developed in many countries and it would also be good to develop them in our local Church. They could become a rich spring of spiritual renewal which is so important. Discovering of the original springs of spirituality in the Holy Scripture and also in the works of Christian mystics will be very usefull for the researchers and for the readers of their works.
Základná antropologická línia v encyklikách Jána Pavla II.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1996.
216 s.
ISBN 80–7141–132–9
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
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