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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Nezaradené |
Nezaradené |
Ján Ďurica SJ
Duchovné povolanie v Biblii
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2013, 136 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-791-0
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Mária Spišiaková
Zlo v Božom stvorení
Rhetos Warszawa, 2012, 244 strán,
ISBN 978-83-89781-71-0
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Ľuboš Rojka
Stvorenie vesmíru z ničoho
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2012, 256 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-735-4
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Ladislav Csontos SJ
Duchovné cvičenia v každodennom živote
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2012. 144 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–723–1
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ed. Ladislav Csontos SJ
Slovo nádeje : Formy spirituality katolíkov, ktorí žijú v nesviatostnom manželstve
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 204 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–698–2
Anglicky |
Divorces concern also Catholic marriages as well as the phenomenon of civil marriages of the divorced or different forms of cohabitation. The situation of marriage and family was not without complications either in Jesus’ times. His guidelines about marriage are closely linked with the proclamation of the Gospel and are a part of it even in the midst of current cultural changes. They are however connected with Jesus’ particular care for sinners. There is still a growing number of divorced Catholics who now live in the second civil marriage or any other form of cohabitation.
In the first place, it is important to understand their state and possibilities of further life of faith from the natural point of view, which has been best clarified by modern psychology now and in recent times. The tragedy of psychological phenomenology of the analysed situation has two sources. On the one hand, it is the very breakup of a former partnership or family, on the other hand, building a new relationship or eventually a family. The starting point is the bringing forward of some basic knowledge of modern empirical psychology about the consequences of divorce on the psychological state of the separated partners and children and their future relation constellations. One of predominant consequences is rather a long term decompensation of personal identity. That is why the attention is focused on the research of the problematics of personality with a particular attention to the phenomenon of conscience. The analysis of Frankl’s and Scheler’s conception of moral-ethical character of essential structures of personality contributes to the formulation of applicable theoretical principles that might support professional pastoral care for people who find themselves in such a tragical existential situation which a non-sacramental partnership for the faithful represents.
Systematic theology deals after a short biblical insight with the doctrinal research of the Church based on its documents, in the dialogue with a theological discussion. Since the purpose of dogmatics is not to remain on the theoretical level but to bring fruit for Christian life practice, one can see what permanent tension is there between systematic and pastoral theology and life experience of individuals in their specific, unique and personal history. All possibilities of the Catholics living in non-sacramental marriage, which means in an irregular situation, to cultivate life with God and in God are connected with the Church. Here it is reminded that there is no theological ground to put God and the Church into the opposition by one-way criticism against the Church. From ecclesiastical point of view it is the Church which mediates spiritual life – also for these believers – starting with the revelation, God’s Word and all forms of the demonstration of worshipping God, as well as growing in spiritual life. The assertion that the Church would be against them does not have any real grounds: their Christian life is the fruit and mediation of the Church in graciousness and charity. Peace and reconciliation with the Church are surely effective for life at grace. Sentire cum ecclesia helps to unity with God and with people in the gratitude and brings the fruit of humility; transformation of man into the image of Christ.
In addition to that, the moral aspect of the situation of Catholics who are divorced and live in irregular situations, is joined. Morality, as it is stated, without being secondary, is the second with regard to the principle. God’s initiative is the first and essential. God’s initiative is the main principle of the revealed religion which Christianity undoubtedly is. From the Christian-Catholic point of view the moral action of man, as it becomes evident, develops through meeting God, i.e. the action of man is never solely his own action – self-sufficient and autonomous; exclusively a human action, but on the one hand, it is rather an answer to the gift of the communicated love, the revelation of God’s plan and the gift to create intimate communion with God. The individual is thus involved in the dynamic of the Trinitarian love of God himself who alone sets him really free and leads man to the fulfillment of his/her true greatness.
In order to avoid general conclusions a Church-legal discernment is brought forth, which means that one should distinguish between several irregular situations that are not equal. In principle, the faithful Catholics may get into one of five following irregular situations: 1. living in the free union, 2. living only in a civil marriage, 3. separated, 4. divorced and again unmarried, 5. divorced and remarried. The role of the Church pastors is to approach those faithful who live in irregular situations with kind forbearance and pastoral care. They are to help them get out of such situations also by examining the legitimacy of their failed sacramental marriage, in order that no faithful gets away from the Church, or, possibly, that they do not consider themselves excommunicated, only due to the fact that they cannot receive the Eucharist.
Repentance is one of the manifestations of religiousness of a man who is aware of his/her inner spiritual state. Their development has its forms in the Old as well as in the New Testament. The Church, which is the bearer of Christ in its history, has been practising the repentance. Its development is marked by social and cultural history and understanding of legal awareness of guilt and punishment. In many respects, these various historical forms of repentance may create an inspiratory base for the spirituality of the Catholics living in irregular unions or in non-sacramental marriage.
In addition to that, other possibilities of developing spirituality generally emerge in such complex and tragical situations, in which divorced and remarried Catholics find themselves. The painful reality of the divorced, which in many ways resembles the death of a close person, requires on the side of a hurt person as well as on the side of the one who provides spiritual help and accompaniment, a sensitive reception. This reception presents a multidimensional experience of pain in which forgiveness plays a specific role. The process of forgiving has thus a natural and spiritual dynamic, which the hurt person must run through. Biblical texts provide a big number of examples of God taking care of unhappy people. He touches them in so called deadlock situations and shows them the light. Though they cannot receive Christ in the Eucharist, neverthelesss they have a widely opened access to God’s word. Jesus talked not only about the need to feed oneself with the bread of life (the Eucharist) but also about the need to feed oneself with every word coming from the mouth of God and the one that he speaks to us.
Rather concrete possibilities of the spirituality development are offered in the Ignatian spirituality, which is profoundly biblical and accessible to everyone. First and foremost the spiritual exercises present an extraordinary instrument of the reform and renewal of life for every man. Through the spiritual exercises it becomes then possible for the person to open oneself to the relationship with Jesus Christ, fully discover the truth about God and about oneself and direct one’s life according to God’s will. Even though the sacraments are the main source of grace for the faithful and are a special means of self-offering of God for man, however, God does not limit himself to these ways of grace and surely he wants to stand by those who seek him and long for him. That is why the prayer, the meeting with God in God’s word as well as an attentive listening to God’s action in everyday life gain a great importance in the lives of those Christians living in non-sacramental marriage. The Ignatian school of prayer offers a huge number of advice, guidelines and stimuli for spiritual life. The Ignatian spirituality might thus become a real support for those Catholics who even in non-sacramental marriage wish to have a deeper relationship with God. |
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Ľuboš Rojka SJ
Kto je Boh a či vôbec jestvuje : Úvod do filozofickej teológie : Prvý diel
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 280 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–693–7
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Miroslav Varšo
Abdiáš, Jonáš, Micheáš
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 320 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–690–6
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Juraj Dolinský SJ
Dejiny Cirkvi
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 348 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–680–7
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edd. Michal Chabada, Marcela Andoková
Antológia - Patristika a scholastika
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009. 472 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–623–4
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Ján Ďačok SJ
Terminálna fáza ľudského života
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009. 260 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–648–7
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ed. Józef Kulisz SJ
Zasvätenie do teológie
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 396 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–622–7
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Peter Dubovský SJ a kol.
Genezis. Komentár k Starému zákonu.
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 830 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–626–5
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Jozef Matulník a kol.
Analýza religiozity katolíkov na slovensku
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 344 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–628–9
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Zlatica Plašienková, Józef Kulisz SJ
Na ceste s Teilhardom de Chardin
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004. 216 s.
ISBN 80–7141–465–4
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