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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Studia Aloisiana |
Studia Aloisiana |
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Verím, teda som. Viera ako osobotvorný vzťah
Oľga Gavendová
GAVENDOVÁ, O.: I Believe, Therefore I Am. Faith as an Person-Forming Relation. Studia Aloisiana, 5, 2014, 1, s. 5 – 15.
Faith and philosophy are often understood as two independent approaches to the truth. The essence of faith is a personal relationship with God and this seems not to be an object of philosophical inquiry. The paper is focused on the relationship as an essential feature of human being. The analysis of human person shows that she is the being in relationship and the most fundamental relationship for her is the relationship with God. A person is not able to accomplish her full self-realization without this relationship, she can’t be fully human. It is the philosophy of dialogue which allows speaking about this relationship with God.
Keywords: human person, God, relationship, faith, philosophy of dialogue
Prečo Boh stvoril svet tak zle
Ľuboš Rojka – Júlia Halamová
ROJKA, Ľ., HALAMOVÁ, J.: Why God Created the World so Badly. Studia Aloisiana, 5, 2013, 1, s. 17 – 30.
The so called problem of evil, in which the existence of physical and psychological suff ering discredits that the world was created by an omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good God, and disruptes the overall Christian conception of human life. The goal of the paper is to show in what way the existence of evil does not contradict the theistic conception of the world. On the contrary, evil in the world can play an important role in the development of the universe and in the ethical and moral development of humans. The most recent psychological studies show that diffi cult situations, with a training and thanks to empathy and support from loved ones, can be transformed into a post-traumatic growth, which consists in a discovery of new opportunities, development of new skills, courage, self-confi dence, a deeper perception of the meaning of life, more valuable and more honest interpersonal relationships, and closer relationship with God.
Keywords: philosophy of good and evil, ethics, religion, God, Creator, post-traumatic growth
Študenti so špecifickými potrebami vo vysokoškolskom prostredí
Mária Šmidová
ŠMIDOVÁ, M.: Students with Special Needs in the University Environment. Studia Aloisiana, 5, 2013, 1, s. 31 – 43.
This paper provides an insight into the opportunities of employment and personal life development of young people with special needs. One of the ways to ensure this development is university education. The paper contributes to the understanding of the legal environment in Slovak Republic, specifi cally regarding the conditions for university students with special needs. The state’s legal measures are supposed to assist talented young people with special needs to acquire the appropriate education, in order to use their skills to benefi t them and the society in general. Disability limits opportunities, thus, it is the state’s duty to eliminate the inequalities and to provide the same conditions and opportunities for everyone. State is obligated to do so, regarding the universally comprehensive legal instrument for the protection of human rights of people with disabilities – The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Genuine implementation of the convention provides the conditions for meaningful life for people with special needs, promotes the possibilities of development of their gifts that benefi t others, and strengthens their own sense of dignity.
Keywords: student, special needs, education, high school, opportunities, dignity, Convention
Vývoj problematiky abortu v učení Katolíckej cirkvi
Eva Repková
REPKOVÁ, E.: The History of Abortion in the Teaching of the Catholic Church. Studia Aloisiana, 5, 2013, 1, s. 45 – 63.
The issue of abortion is currently very controversial and frequently discussed topic in media, as well as in the private discussions. Many of the opponents criticize the Catholic Church because of its strict anti-abortion position. Relatively frequent argument of the liberal wing is that even the teaching of some medieval Christian philosophers/authors was equal to the current modern abortion legislation in the sense that the value of the fetus diff erred in accordance with the stage of pregnancy (before and after “ensoulment” of the fetus), in which the fetus could have been found. Given the fact that as far as the Catholic Church is concerned, this could be rather serious accuse, the main aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of approaches of Christian writers to the issue of abortion and also explain the reasons of their defl ecting – in the context of ensoulment of the fetus – from the original, as well as the current offi cial teaching of the Church. The article explains the historical reasons for this situation and describes what specifi cally the Christian scholars have considered in the context of hereabove discussed issue, on the basis of which the fetal development can be divided into exposed stage and the stage from which an unborn child shall be legally protected.
Keywords: abortion, Septuagint, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, hylomorphism, Ensoulment
Vplyv rozvodovej mentality snúbencov na platnosť kánonicky uzatváraných manželstiev
Miroslav Konštanc Adam OP
ADAM, M.: The Infl uence of a Divorce Mentality in the Engaged on the Validity of Canonical Marriages. Studia Aloisiana, 5, 2013, 1, s. 65 – 70.
The increasing number of divorces in today’s western society causes a divorce mentality among the Catholic faithful. A divorce mentality can be the remote cause of a partial simulation of matrimonial consent. This happens when one of the engaged, or both of the engaged, at the time of the marriage, with the positive act of the will, exclude o r preclude the indissolubility of the marriage bond and consequently cause or results in the invalidity of the marriage.
Keywords: divorce mentality, simulation of marital consent, the exclusion of indissolubility of the marriage bond
Rodzina między zwątpieniem a nadzieją – analiza w aspekcie pracy socjalnej
Józef Młyński
MLYŃSKI, J.: Family between Despair and Hope – an Analysis in Terms of Social Work. Studia Aloisiana, 5, 2014, 1, s. 71 – 87.
Modern Family is not autonomous monad nor an island. To their development needs the help of other institutions and the need to also support MOPS (Urban Condo Social Assistance), GOPS (Municipal Condo Social Assistance), PCFS (Country Welfare Centre). The most common problems that cannot handle modern family are: unemployment, poor and poverty, homelessness, and pathology. What to do to prevent such a situation. First of all, in terms of diagnosis, expand social assistance. Hope to contemporary problems for the family is social work, which clearly defi nes the rights and powers of social workers as specialists and professionals. However, in order to help, you need to know how? First of all, to build axiological world of social workers. John Paul II wrote that “you cannot be truly free, without a solid and deep respect for the value of”. This is the evidence of the dignity of man, because every man carries a human humanistas. Why all this? – Because society needs healthy families, as there is no family without society and no society without family (Aristotle). It is after all, remember that “joy and hope, the grief and anguish of contemporary people, especially the poor and suff ering are a challenge for humanity, because there is nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts” (SS, 6).
Keywords: social work, family, doubt, hope, help
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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