Dnes je nedela, 1.12.2024
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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Nezaradené |
Nezaradené |
Ján Ďurica SJ
Duchovné povolanie v Biblii
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2013, 136 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-791-0
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Mária Spišiaková
Zlo v Božom stvorení
Rhetos Warszawa, 2012, 244 strán,
ISBN 978-83-89781-71-0
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Ľuboš Rojka
Stvorenie vesmíru z ničoho
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2012, 256 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-735-4
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Ladislav Csontos SJ
Duchovné cvičenia v každodennom živote
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2012. 144 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–723–1
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ed. Ladislav Csontos SJ
Slovo nádeje : Formy spirituality katolíkov, ktorí žijú v nesviatostnom manželstve
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 204 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–698–2
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Ľuboš Rojka SJ
Kto je Boh a či vôbec jestvuje : Úvod do filozofickej teológie : Prvý diel
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 280 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–693–7
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Miroslav Varšo
Abdiáš, Jonáš, Micheáš
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 320 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–690–6
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Juraj Dolinský SJ
Dejiny Cirkvi
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 348 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–680–7
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edd. Michal Chabada, Marcela Andoková
Antológia - Patristika a scholastika
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009. 472 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–623–4
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Ján Ďačok SJ
Terminálna fáza ľudského života
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009. 260 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–648–7
Anglicky |
Human life in every stage of its existence bears in itself intrinsic value. Some authors in the field of bioethics deny this fact. One can find the causes, motivations and justifications for this denial even in the complex phenomenon of post-modernity.
In its originality the work forwards the hypothesis of the existence of post-modern bioethics. It aims to justify such a concept and to present the positions of post-modernity in the field of bioethics. The wide problematic of human life is limited to its terminal phase. The study elaborates post-modern tendencies towards this delicate period within the optic of moral problems aimed at the defence of human life. The work’s interdisciplinary research stands at the forefront of current and daily questions in the field of moral theology.
The work consists of two principal parts: the first is medical and philosophical-anthropological, with some sociological-cultural elements; the second is bioethical and theological-moral. The first part delineates the medical definition of the terminal phase, the psychological phases of dying, the therapeutic decisions and the moral problems involved therein. It underlines the contribution of palliative medicine which affirms the value of human life, accepts the sense of suffering and death in the light of a spiritual and transcendent vision of the human person. Moreover, the study defines the concept of post-modernity, its anthropology and the approaches of post-modern man towards human life.
The second part justifies the concept of post-modern bioethics. It presents the positions of post-modern bioethics’ representatives (P. Singer and H. T. Engelhardt) with regard to fundamental concepts of bioethics and moral theology-human life, the person, suffering, the terminal phase and death. Theoretical positions take shape in practical applications which are synthesized in the radical “commandments” of P. Singer. A future vision points to the actual realisation of the ‘superman’ in the field of bioethics. Through the works of E. Sgreccia, L. Ciccone, F. Compagnoni, OP, and P. Cattorini, the second part emphasizes the intrinsic value and the sacredness of human life in the context of an ‘ontologically founded personalism’ and responsible actions in medicine. The reflexions are structured so as to offer practical responses in the light of reason and the Christian faith. The work supports therapeutic and welfare proportionality which represents the solution to the delicate problematic of the terminal phase. This behaviour offers a significant contribution to the research of the sense and the defence of human life even in its terminal phase. The Christian is invited to live pain, suffering and his own death not alone, but together with Christ. Health care workers are called to find inspiration in the evangelical example of the Good Samaritan. |
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ed. Józef Kulisz SJ
Zasvätenie do teológie
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 396 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–622–7
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Peter Dubovský SJ a kol.
Genezis. Komentár k Starému zákonu.
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 830 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–626–5
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Jozef Matulník a kol.
Analýza religiozity katolíkov na slovensku
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 344 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–628–9
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Zlatica Plašienková, Józef Kulisz SJ
Na ceste s Teilhardom de Chardin
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004. 216 s.
ISBN 80–7141–465–4
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