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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Nezaradené |
Nezaradené |
Ján Ďurica SJ
Duchovné povolanie v Biblii
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2013, 136 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-791-0
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Mária Spišiaková
Zlo v Božom stvorení
Rhetos Warszawa, 2012, 244 strán,
ISBN 978-83-89781-71-0
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Ľuboš Rojka
Stvorenie vesmíru z ničoho
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2012, 256 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-735-4
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Ladislav Csontos SJ
Duchovné cvičenia v každodennom živote
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2012. 144 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–723–1
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ed. Ladislav Csontos SJ
Slovo nádeje : Formy spirituality katolíkov, ktorí žijú v nesviatostnom manželstve
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 204 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–698–2
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Ľuboš Rojka SJ
Kto je Boh a či vôbec jestvuje : Úvod do filozofickej teológie : Prvý diel
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 280 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–693–7
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Miroslav Varšo
Abdiáš, Jonáš, Micheáš
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 320 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–690–6
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Juraj Dolinský SJ
Dejiny Cirkvi
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010. 348 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–680–7
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edd. Michal Chabada, Marcela Andoková
Antológia - Patristika a scholastika
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009. 472 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–623–4
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Ján Ďačok SJ
Terminálna fáza ľudského života
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009. 260 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–648–7
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ed. Józef Kulisz SJ
Zasvätenie do teológie
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 396 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–622–7
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Peter Dubovský SJ a kol.
Genezis. Komentár k Starému zákonu.
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 830 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–626–5
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Jozef Matulník a kol.
Analýza religiozity katolíkov na slovensku
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. 344 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–628–9
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Zlatica Plašienková, Józef Kulisz SJ
Na ceste s Teilhardom de Chardin
Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004. 216 s.
ISBN 80–7141–465–4
Anglicky |
On the way with Teilhard de Chardin
This publication brings in the problematics which Teilhard de Chardin raised in the form of many pressing questions of man nowadays. Our way with/towards Teilhard is a certain kind of „a meeting“ and „a dialogue“ with the works and the whole vision of the universe, of a man and of God, which Teilhard proposed. In the background of his intellectual heritage we are trying to look for the answers to some of the proposed live questions and challenges that are relevant even today.
The book is not an encyclopaedic file of ideas, it represents only that part of Teilhard’s work that directly concerns the philosophical and theological problematics which is analysed in the context of a broader relational frame of science and religion. As the most general characteristics of Teilhard’s effort in the scientific field and also in the philosophical-theological area is usually considered the affirmation about his specific „synthesis of science and faith“ and we offer the reader an answer to the question what this synthesis presents in its very concretness.
First of all it is not about the formulation of some general and forever valid theory that would link together science and faith. Teilhard was clearly aware of time conditioning of each like synthesis. But he was persuaded of the inner relation of science and faith and he clearly defined this idea by emphasizing the possible and unavoidable unity of the Christian religion with the understanding of the evolution of universe, life and man. It is exactly the evolution that connects modern science and faith in the dimension that is adequate to the the needs of mankind today.
The attention of the reader is drawn to several important and interesting areas of interest that are related to the central evolutional problematics. The topicalization of this problematics presents the main scope of this publication. It is presented as the way of evolution which is at the same time the way of love toward the world, man and God.
We come out from an assumption that Teilhard’s vision of the world is the vision of „a world in evolution“, in the process of „becoming and growing“. On the ground of such understood world there is a new metaphysics that is being interpreted from the point of view of metaphysics „unire“ and that of „esse“. It speaks about a determining dynamism and substantial unit of the world. Philosophical-theological aspects of this metaphysics result in the problematics of the personalisation of the world.
The problematics of the personalisation is mostly understandable on the basis of the interpretation of love and its particular forms. In love there is inherent the fundamental energy of universe, life, or simply the environment in which the ascending movement of the development may extend. Without love there would be before us only fear and terror, but with love our innermost pesonal centre deepens and spiritual convergence of people is realised.
Love is thus able to lead human beings into a perfect being by means of unifying them. It is done in the form that is the most typical for love, i.e. love links things internally, in the „depth of their being“. From that point of view the emphasis of our attention is put on understanding of human inner-being and on the problematics of personal identity and spiritual growth that are connected with it. The problematics presented in this way captures also the questions of understanding happiness and suffering. At the same time it indicates different possibilities of seeking the answer to the question concerning „the place of a man“ in the universe.
This cardinal question makes us reflect also on the problematics of the responsibility for the evolution and seek in Teilhard’s message an inspirative source of present way of the eco-thinking. His understanding of dynamism of „religion of earth“ and „religion of heaven“ may serve as a profound source of these ideas. This standpoint on a practical level of man’s life enables to overcome the dichotomy and disunity of man’s dual orientation: towards the world on one hand and towards God on the other hand. According to Teilhard it is about interlinked orientations and two forms of one and the same effort, that should lead through the world to God. That means as a matter of fact to have the power of faith and love, to know the reasons of being, the reasons of hope for spiritual growth of ourselves as well as of the whole Earth and confidence and hope for the future that are linked with it. Said in a theological language, we are about to deal with the problematics of the Parusy.
In reference to these questions we are dealing especially with the theological problematics concentrating on the christological aspects of the Christian religion. We are trying here to present the way by which Teilhard tried to express the fundamentals of christianity using the language of his contemporaries, the language of a modern man. In this sense it concerns the questions of cosmic dimensions of the Incarnation and the dynamic understanding of the pleromisation.
Besides the above-mentioned areas of interest presented in this work, our aim is to propose the reader also the possibility to reconsider what in Teilhard’s work has worried and attracted scientists, philosophers, theologians but also a broader intellectual community, and not only during the thinker’s life, but what may these attitudes evoke also today.
And so we have set off on the way with/towards Teilhard, which we have at the same time tried to communicate the reader in the most understandable way. It is up to the reader whether he continues on the way or not. |
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