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Studia Aloisiana
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Život na Aloisiane
 Studia Aloisiana
Studia Aloisiana
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 4
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 4
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 4
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
Teodícea Johna Hicka a jeho zdôvodnenie života po smrti
Mária Spišiaková
SPIŠIAKOVÁ, M.: John Hick’s Theodicy and His Reasoning for the Life after Death. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 3, s. 5 – 20.
Soul-making theodicy of J. Hick is based on the premise that the purpose of human life is moral and spiritual maturity. The finite persons are created in an immature stage and have to attain moral and spiritual perfection through their own free choices in religiously ambiguous and ethically demanding world containing moral and physical evil. The long process of becoming a “child of God” starts by birth but it doesn’t stop with the death of the body. Problem of evil will be resolved only when all persons attain the purpose of their life given by God. It requires the possibility of continuing improvement in the lives after death. Successive lives should evolve in a limited time, in a different world and in a different body.
Keywords: soul-making theodicy, reincarnation, life after death, John Hick

Špecifiká sociálneho evanjelia v nescudziteľnom aspekte teologickej interpretácie II
Rozlíšenie v prizme akademickej roviny a nahliadania na svedomie a obsah pojmu parrhesia
Ivan Kútny
KÚTNY, I.: Particularities of Social Gospel in Inalienable Aspect of Theological Interpretation II : Discernment in a Prism of the Academic Level and in the Looking into Conscience and the Content of Notion Parrhesia. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 21 – 32.
In the introduction the author summarises the knowledge of the former first part of the contribution and consequently in relation with the conscience of man and with the content of notion parrhesia. He has the intention to focus more explicitly his attention on some particularities of Catholic social theory. He is referring to the texts of selected magisterial documents of Catholic Church of last decades, including the documents of the Second Vatican Council. He focuses on theological-spiritual aspect of intersection in the act of spiritual subject and consequently on moral aspect in prism of revealed moral and conscience. He mentions that the subject who has a spiritual nature and who realises himself in interpersonal relations is invited and made capable by the Creator to the continual revision of the knowledge. And it is just in this point that he opens the new questions, for example: Is the man living in contemporary society really guided and co-educated to the value of authenticity, to the attitude of truthfulness as such and in connection with the fellow and the common good? He accentuates that the three-personal God – the God of the Bible – who found good to reveal himself and let know the mystery of his will doesn’t reveal in the first place certain codex, but himself. As the work of Revelation come into realization by acts and words it is possible to assert that “all acts by which the God reveal himself have the moral dimension”. The magisterial texts of Catholic Church are not once deliberating about the conscience which has the task to mediate the objective and universal norms into the concrete and particular situations. However, if we perceive the task of the conscience more into the specific of singular and non-recurring internal experience of human subject with his Creator letting himself known in the twofold experience of religious dimension of faith and of the theologal aspect of love, then, apparently, there might not be a problem either with acquiring and applying, or with respecting and protecting the liberty of conscience – always in symbiosis with the content of notion parrhesia.
Keywords: conscience, the man like a subject, theological interpretation, parrhesia

Ockhamovo intuitívno-abstraktívne poznanie a paralely so súčasným kognitivizmom
Rastislav Nemec
NEMEC, R.: Ockham’s Intuitive-Abstractive Knowledge and Parallels with Contemporary Cognitivism. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 33 – 52.
The aim of this article is to present some crucial notes on Ockham’s theory of intuitive and abstractive knowledge, on its differences and complementarity, with comparison to one of the contemporary cognitivist authors – Fred Dretske. Fred Dretske postulates different themes in his work, like empiristic grounds of consciousness, knowledge grasped as flow of informations. For this study we used his theory of two kinds of „encoding“. This study focuses on Ockham’s argumentation in favour of his epistemological theory and tries to find overlapping zones with Fred Dretske’s „analogical/digital encoding“ theory.
Keywords: Ockham, medieval epistemology, intuitive knowledge, abstractive knowledge, Dretske

Il personalismo di Karol Wojtyła dalla prospettiva della relazione tra la persona e l’atto
Jerzy Koperek, Adam Koperek
KOPEREK, J., KOPEREK, A.: The Personalism of Karol Wojtyła from the Perspective of the Relationship between the Person and Act. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 3, s. 53 – 64.
This paper examines the concept of personalism of Karol Wojtyła’s relationship from the perspective of the person and act in the context of the following issues:
1. The link between anthropology and ethics
2. The act and its moral value that reveals the person
2.1. The experience of the fact that “man acts”
2.2. The morality as a property of human acts
2.3. “Induction” and “reduction” as a method to explore the experience of the fact that “man acts”
Keywords: personalism, anthropology, ethics, person and act
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 4
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
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