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Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis, roč. 13, 2015, č. 1
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   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
Svatý Ambrož a mnohost přístupů k plnosti jediného Slova
David Vopřada

VOPŘADA, D.: Saint Ambrose and a Variety of Approaches towards the Fullness of the One Word. Teologický časopis, XIII, 2015, 1, s. 5 – 18.
On several occassions Ambrose of Milan († 397) points out the fact that there is the only way towards and the unity with Him, i.e. the way of faith in Christ, the Son of God. At the same time we find in his works diverse approaches towards the biblical text as well as his conviction that the fulness of the mystery of Christ cannot be exhausted. This contribution deals with the way how Ambrose understands the relation between the plurality of exegetical approaches and the knowledge of God and unity of faith.
Keywords: Ambrose of Milan, faith, knowledge of God, theological pluralism, Church Fathers

Jednota a pluralita biblických prekladov vo vzájomnej korešpondencii sv. Augustína a sv. Hieronyma
Róbert Horka

HORKA, R.: Unity and Plurality of Biblical Translations in St. Augustine’s and St. Jerome’s Mutual Correspondence. Teologický časopis, XIII, 2015, 1, s. 19 – 28.
Both church fathers, Augustine and Jerome, by their mutual correspondence refer various views on the translation of Old Testament texts into Latin. However, this contribution focuses not primarily on the relevance of pluralism or conformity in Latin translations (veritas latina), but on the diversity of the originals, that served as a basis for single Latin translations. Therefore we examine the argumentation of Augustine who prefers the Septuagint as the original text (veritas graeca), which should be translated into Latin for Christian communities in the West. In the next step we evaluate the argumentation and impact of his opponent Jerome, who favours the Hebrew text as original master (veritas hebraica). Thereafter we treat also other problems, that complicate this basic platform dramatically. Finally, we try to pose a comprehensive position, that was formulated by both ancient linguists, which can help us to create a new base for – maybe a little unusual, but certainly interesting – view on the contemporary methodology of Old Testament translations into modern languages.
Keywords: St. Augustine, St. Jerome, Old Testament texts, Latin translations, translations into modern languages

Kto boli tvorcovia modernej vedy?
Jozef Tiňo st.

TIŇO, J.: Who Were Creators of the Modern Science? Teologický časopis, XIII, 2015, 1, s. 29 – 45.
The present article reviews the history of the relationship between the religious faith and science in order to argue that the latter did not arise out of the ambition to fight the religious faith. On the contrary, the modern science has been created by former scientific authorities all of whom were believing Christians (some of them priests) who wanted to understand processes that occur in the nature.
Keywords: religious faith, science, relationship, modern science, former scientific authorities

Svedomie – nescudziteľná svätyňa človeka – prvý zo všetkých Kristových zástupcov I
Päťdesiat rokov pastorálnej konštitúcie Druhého vatikánskeho koncilu Gaudium et spes – cesta k dialógu svedomí so svetom
Ivan Kútny

KÚTNY, I.: Conscience – the Inalienable Sanctuary of Man – the First Vicar of Christ I : Fifty Years of a Pastroral Constitution of the Second Vatican Council Gaudium et spes – a Way to Dialogue of Consciences with the World. Teologický časopis, XIII, 2015, 1, s. 47 – 65.
According to the author, deepening the knowledge of the issues can be classified as a key stone of spiritual and moral renewal, on the other hand it might be viewed as the food for thought and the rethinking of existing attitudes in socio-culture-intelectual horizon of events. The author of treatise utilises the opportunity of the 50th anniversary of a pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes to emphasize a specific contribution of the Council to moral conscience issues and to highlight the necessity for receiving greater attention to them as well. Moreover, when many individuals refer to their conscience and claim it to be respected. On the other hand, it seems that conscience is not quite rightly a cause for concern in a conceptual approach in maintaing an attitude to person’s acts who is under the continuous growth. This is mainly concerned the process of the law of gradualness cooperation and the realisation of one’s vocation to holiness and perfection. It means to decipher the spheres in which must be clear who the subject is and what the goal and mean are. Yet, “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mk 2:27). The issues are treated in special circumstances. As a result, the author rediscovers the most significant formulations related to man’s conscience from the specific documents of the Second Vatican Council. The main goal of the treatise is an analysis of the pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes, No. 16 while taking account of the works of contemporary authors. Then the issues might be used for more important continuity in a narrower and broader perspective. The significance and knowledge of the issues are extremly important because not only some theologians refer to the concept of conscience in Gaudium et spes, but also some other documents do so.
Keywords: conscience, the sanctuary of a man, Council, relationality

Interpretácia podobenstva o milosrdnom Samaritánovi v Origenovej Homílii 34
Marcela Andoková, Nikola Šefčíková

ANDOKOVÁ, M., ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, N.: The Interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Origen’s Homily 34. Teologický časopis, XIII, 2015, 1, s. 67 – 81.
The parable of the good Samaritan belongs to the most famous parables of the New Testament which emphasize the importance of God’s mercy towards humanity. The popularity of this text is also attested in the exegetical works and homilies of Christian authors in the patristic era. The aim of this contribution is to analyze Origen’s Homily 34 preserved in the Latin language, dealing with Luke 10:25-37, and consequently to present its Slovak translation. There are many parallels in the interpretation of the biblical text between Origen and other patristic authors. Here we refer mostly to the homily Quis dives salvetur by Clemens Alexandrinus and to the works of two Latin Church fathers: Saint Ambrose and his Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam, and Saint Augustine and his Enarrationes in Psalmos and Quaestiones evangeliorum.
Keywords: the parable of the good Samaritan, patristic interpretation of Luke 10:25-37, exegetical commentaries and homilies, Origen’s Homily 34, allegoric interpretation, God’s mercy
Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles  
Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
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