Dnes je štvrtok, 28.11.2024
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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Studia Aloisiana |
Studia Aloisiana |
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Logický pozitivizmus a jeho chápanie vývoja vedy
Miroslav Karaba
KARABA, M.: Logical Positivism and Its View of Scientific Progress. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 5 – 16.
The aim of this paper is to analyze logical positivism view and understanding of scientific progress with emphasis on its inductivism and cumulativism. One of the resources of this view was Mach’s empiriocriticism. In the positivists view, the progress of science consists in the accumulation of observations, on the one hand, and cumulative growth of theories, on the other hand. The new theory includes the old theory (plus something). Thus the growth of science essentially exhibits continuity. On the ground of empirical basis (pure observations or facts) positivists were able to build up their theory of scientific progress based on cumulative amount of observations which are theory free. Consequently, the scientific progress is purely quantitative, continuous and linear process. The main problem is with unhistorical and absolutist understanding of verification which is including in this kind of cumulativist approach.
Keywords: logical positivism, scientific progress, inductivism, cumulativism
Náčrt Goodmanovho chápania úlohy metafory v jeho teórii referencie
Lukáš Jeník
JENÍK, L.: Outline of Goodman’s Understanding of Metaphor’s Role in His Theory of Reference. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 17 – 36.
The aim of this study is to elucidate the context and the relationship between Goodman’s understanding of metaphor and its properties and the exemplification. The first part focuses on the symbolic reference which is exemplification. In the second part of the study we focus on a problem of metaphorical exemplification and we also outline some of the ideological perspective of Goodman’s concept of metaphor.
Keywords: Goodman, exemplification, denotation, metaphor, relativism
Špecifiká sociálneho evanjelia v nescudziteľnom aspekte teologickej interpretácie I
Rozlíšenie v prizme akademickej roviny a nahliadania na svedomie a obsah pojmu parrhesia
Ivan Kútny
KÚTNY, I.: Particularities of Social Gospel in Inalienable Aspect of Theological Interpretation I : Discernment in a Prism of the Academic Level and in the Looking on Conscience and the Content of Notion Parrhesia. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 37 – 50.
The author in appealing to the Encyclical of Benedict XVI. Caritas in veritate suggests that it is not the Church’s task to enforce its social theory politically. It intends only to serve to the formation of conscience in politics and to contribute to the greater clarity of the true requirements of the justice. In the context of possible connections he mentions the particularity of the relation between the God and the man which already consists in the relational and social aspect of human nature. In looking on drama in the social level he points out the purity of intention and the discernment in the area of the gift of love or justice. He explicitly specifies some key notions. He draws attention to the man, who is explored by the Church in the mystery of salvation. The Church through the historical advancement wants to announce the gospel to the men of all times – the source of the true hope and of the true joy while travelling of historical ripening. Beside the Gospel of the God’s love for man, the Gospel of dignity of the person and the Gospel of life which are the only and undistinguishing gospel, we find in the magisterial documents also the mention of the Gospel of work. The contribution examines the nature of social theory of Catholic Church and the inalienable bind of this theory with the moral theology. The author affirms that the social theory of Catholic Church has explicitly theological-moral nature which is supported by the pope John Paul II through the threefold intervention of his encyclicals. The contribution quotes mostly the texts of selected magisterial documents of Catholic Church of the last decades, including the documents of the Second Vatican Council.
Keywords: social theory, conscience, theological interpretation, parrhesia, common good
Ťažkosti s pojmom bezčasového stvoriteľa
Ľuboš Rojka SJ
ROJKA, Ľ.: Difficulties with the Concept of a Timeless Creator. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 51 – 66.
There are two basic conceptions of God discussed in the most recent philosophical theology. (1) The classical conception of a timeless God is defended by authors like E. Stump and P. Helm. (2) R. Swinburne is one of the most famous defenders of the divine temporality. Even though there are several objections to the arguments by R. Swinburne (which are well explored in the revised book by P. Helm), the critique of the timelessness by W. Craig shows that the timeless conception does not have so much explanatory power as the temporal conception. Explanation of a timeless divine freedom, knowledge of the temporal facts, and causality is very problematic. Therefore the temporal concept is more acceptable.
Keywords: God, time, eternity, causality, creation
Model náboženského dialógu Rajmunda Lulla a jeho relevancia pre súčasnosť
Martin Vašek
VAŠEK, M.: Model of Religious Dialogue of Raymundus Lullus and its Contemporary Relevance. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 2, s. 67 – 88.
The aim of the paper is to explain the way, how medieveal Christian thinking confronted itself with other religions and the pagan world. We want to focus on thinking of the Catalan philosopher Rymundus Lullus and his work Liber gentili et tribus sapientibus. The work contains significant thoughts concerning inter-religious dialogue in Middle Ages. Since it provides impulses to enforce the dialogue between religions, it remains considerably motivating even today. The analysis of the work will take into account even interpretations of the contemporary authors. At the same time the paper outlines some approaches to the problem of inter-religious dialogue and the dialogue between secularity and belief in the beginning of the 21th century.
Keywords: dialogue, religion, consensus, objectivity, tolerance
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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