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Teologický časopis |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Kritériá teologického myslenia vo svetle politickej teológie D. Sölleovej a J. B. Metza
Ján Branislav Mičkovic
MIČKOVIC, B.: Criteria of Theological Reflection in the Light of the Political Theology of Dorothee Sölle and Johann Baptist Metz. Teologický časopis, XII, 2014, 2, s. 5 – 16.
European Enlightenment marks an important turning point in thinking about the world in the natural sciences, but also in the field of spiritual knowledge. The object of human perception moves from the realm of the abstract, with its idea of the world as the unchanging whole, to the level of human experience, history, and society. Looking for its original place within the Modern Period’s concept of the world as a ‘concept of the man’, Christian theology responds to the given trend with some delay. Political theology roots of which reach back to the 60’s of the last century represents the peak of this effort. To talk about God means there to talk about the man, and to talk about the man means, in turn, to talk about him in the context of public affairs.
Prednes prokeimenu v histórii slovanského liturgického formulára konštantínopolskej tradície s dôrazom na prax v cirkvi bývalej Mukačevskej eparchie
Šimon Marinčák
MARINČÁK, Š.: Performance of Prokeimenon in History of Slavonic Liturgical Formulary with Focus on Practice in Former Eparchy in Mukacevo. Teologický časopis, XII, 2014, 2, s. 17 – 42.
Prokeimenon, i.e. ‘something that precedes’, or ‘something that goes before’, is a verse of Psalm sung before the Readings at the Constantinopolitan Liturgies, i.e. Eucharistic Liturgy and Hours. Its actual performance differed in several Slavic redactions that evolved during the history. Present paper makes brief survey on its performance as recorded in the Slavic Leitourgika from 13th century until the Kiev edition of 1762, and compares them to current practice.
Rímska Legio X Fretensis a jej miesto v biblickej tradícii a dejinách Svätej zeme
Branislav Krasnovský
KRASNOVSKÝ, B.: Roman Legio X Fretensis : Its Place in Biblical Tradition and History of Palestine. Teologický časopis, XII, 2014, 2, s. 43 – 56.
The article deals with deployment of Roman legions in the area of Holy land. These legions played an important role in forming of the Jewish religious and political awareness since they allowed Jews to unite against Roman military and political power. A special attention is paid to those legions which during 1. – 4. Century CE intervened in the territory of Holy land: Legio II Trajana, Legio III Cyrenaica, Legio III Gallica, Legio IV Scythica, Legio V Macedonica, Legio VI Ferrata, Legio X Fretensis, Legio XII Fulminata, Legio XV Apollinaris, and Legio XXII Diotrajana. Jewish opponents of the above mentioned legions, which were engaged in the defence of Jerusalem, rebellion of Bar Kochba or guerrilla warfare against Romans (Joseph Flavius, Simon ben Giora, John of Giskalla, Menachem of Galilea or Bar Kochba) will also be considered in the present study.
Kritická odpoveď z baptistickej perspektívy na dokument „Cirkev v ústrety spoločnej vízii“
Joshua T. Searle
SEARLE, J. T.: Moving Towards an Ecumenism of Koinonia : A Critical Response to ‘The Church Towards a Common Vision’ from a baptistic Perspective. Teologický časopis, XII, 2014, 2, s. 57 – 70.
There is an apprehension among many Baptists that participation in ecumenical dialogue constitutes a grievous compromise that will lead to a diminishing of the distinctiveness of Baptist witness. The anti-ecumenical sentiment of some Baptists is often manifested in the fear that the ecumenical movement is paving the way towards a syncretistic liberal church, which subordinates the truth of the gospel to the claims of unity. I hope that some of these legitimate concerns would be allayed by the document entitled ‘The Church Towards a Common Vision’. The present article will highlight some potential shortcomings in the document and will raise some issues that seem to require further consideration, but it should be asserted from the outset that this document offers a stimu lating and helpful clarification of how far the churches have advanced in their common understanding of mission and the Kingdom of God.
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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