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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Studia Aloisiana |
Studia Aloisiana |
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Sociálne normy v súčasných zmenách kultúrnej mentality
Ladislav Csontos SJ
Csontos, L.: Social Norms in Present Changes of Cultural Mentality. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 1, s. 5 – 18.
In this article we will introduce social norms, which we find in the rules of social living and they regulate the relationships in a certain society. A special place among these relationships have those which form the fundamental cell of human society – family. Present society recognizes striking changes with consequences in the understanding of social values. The consumer mentality spreads in particular thro-ugh the advertisement and influences especially the young people. The influence of mass media proposes different ways which are in contrary to traditional family, based on the natural living of a man and a woman in the spirit of Christian ideals and values. Not only the effect of media has a negative impact. Such impact has as well so-called education which doesn’t want to press the predetermined system of values on the youth, but in fact it leads them towards the practical atheism. It presents such life-styles or value systems that lead to decline of the society. It presents as normal what is not normal and vice versa. The education needs to take heed of the good of a child and it has to help the development of a person in his naturally given value orientation. In the first place stands the good of a person in society, which is naturally formed in the family, and then comes the patriotism, citizenship and other dimensions of personality.
Keywords: marriage, family, folkways, morals, law, value, consumerism
Morálny aspekt autority v alienačnom postoji členov súčasnej rodiny
So zreteľom na niektoré dokumenty Magistéria ostatných desaťročí, avšak v prizme obsahu pojmov prophetia, parrhesia
Ivan Kútny
Kútny, I.: The Moral Aspect of Authority in the Attitude of Alienation of Contemporary Family Members : In Regard to Some Documents of Last Decades Magisterium, through a Prism of the Content of Notions prophetia, parrhesia. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 1, s. 19 – 31.
In the contribution the author presents the conception of authority as a service, as charisma for a continual advancement of individuals. To receive this gift signifies to receive the personal word of grace and mission which concerns exactly this concrete man and at the same time to receive the Authority of authorities – loving God the Father, the Son and the Spirit who distributes the charismas according to the needs of the life of the people of God. In the family community the authority is comprehended as the manifestation of the spirit in Spirit. In the aspect of co-education the authority has to, especially, permit to the human person to grow. Through the prism of content of notion prophetia the Council has pointed out the right and the duty of every Christian to participate in prophetic mission by the sensibility to the truth/Truth and by the acceptance of the charis-ma. In the way the Christian participates also in an interpersonal dialogue of love/Love. In the point of view of the notion parrhesia the prophetic mission is realized as the telling truth, in the free-dom from prejudices and from the formulas of the social and religious vocabulary which are not reflected by the rational judgement. In consequence of the redundancy in the vertical dimension and then also in the non-realization of subjectified objectivity multiplies the alienation attitudes of contemporary family members; among them the author points out also the utmost, even obstinate care of the individual in which the respect of the dignity of human person and individual charisma is deprived.
Keywords: authority of the Spirit, subject of family, prophetia, parrhesia, alienation
Rodinná výchova v súčasnom kultúrnom prostredí
Ivan Podmanický, Zuzana Podmanická
Podmanický, I., Podmanická, Z.: Family Education in the Present Cultural Environment. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 1, s. 33 – 40.
The article deals with family importance in the present cultural environment. The perspectives are supported also by results of the European surveys about the family policy. It onward implies the possible founda-tions for realisation of the family policy and the family education. There is clarified axiological basis of the family education in the context of education in the Slovak Republic.
Keywords: family, family life, family education, family policy, ethics, prosocial behaviour
Návrat k hodnotám rodiny podľa učenia sv. Pavla
a aktuálnych pastoračných skúseností
Stanislav Vojtko
Vojtko, S.: Return to the Values of Family, according to the Teachings of St. Paul and the Current Pastoral Experience. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 1, s. 41 – 51.
The lecture adverts to particular values of the family, which a Christian believer adheres to, due to his belief in God. The crucial moment of such understanding is the fact that God himself “is the family” – i. e., the community of persons. The author compares the Christian approach to such understanding of the family, which is usually recognized by unbelievers. In this sense, there is a wide space to dishonor family as something obsolete and out of fashion, to which alternative ways of living together should be searched for. The author further explores how such a negative attitude to the family influences the Slovak Christian. Finally, he initiates activities built on the teachings of the Apostle Paul and pastoral family friendly thoughts of cardinal Tomko.
Keywords: values of the family, attitude to the family, Apostle Paul, matrimony, sexual ethics, love, life, cardinal Tomko
Pohľad na religiozitu a hodnoty cez čísla
Jozef Žuffa
Žuffa, J.: Religiosity and Values Seen through Figures. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 1, s. 53 – 59.
It is possible to measure values and religiosity of population through imagination and behaviour of individuals. The study is based on the result of Aufbruch research from Central and Eastern Europe. Values of religiosity are divided into three dimensions, namely personal religiosity, contents of faith and relationship with the Church. This is why the figures can be helpful when it comes to direction of priorities of pastoral theology in Slovakia.
Keywords: religiosity, values, pastoral theology, quantitavive research
NaProTechnology – nadzieją dla niepłodnych małżonków
Bożena Bassa
Bassa, B.: NaProTechnology – a Hope for Infertile Couples. Studia Aloisiana, 3, 2012, 1, s. 61 – 70.
Parenthood is the main point of the marital community. At present, an important number of married couples are not capable of becoming parents for various reasons. Special mission of medicine is to assist the spou-ses undergoing difficulties in the accomplishment of their parental mi-ssion. One of the proposals offered by medicine are the current assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilisation. The technologies are of utilitarian and pragmatic character, undermining human dignity, impairing the unity of marriage and the child’s right to be conceived and born within a marriage.
NaProTechnology is an alternative to this stream of practices and procedures of modern reproductive medicine. The founder of this new domain of medicine is professor Thomas Hilgers. NaProTechnology is a method of supporting human reproductivity. For treatment and diagnosis, NaProTechnology makes use of all the methods applied in classical medicine, which are frequently extender and improved. The so called Surgical NaProTechnology whose aim is to resituate the natural fertility, takes an important place in treatment of infertility. The therapeutic programme takes 18 to 24 months, in some cases up to 72 months. If the child is not conceived during this time, adoption is recommended to the spouses. Owing to its in-depth diagnosis and multidimensional treatment, NaProTechnology reveals high efficiency in treatment of infertility – its average efficiency, regardless of the cause of infertility and the age of the spouses, is about 50 %, for certain groups of patients its efficiency goes up even to 80 %.
Keywords: responsible parenthood, marital infertility, treatment of infertility, NaProTechnology |
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
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