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Život na Aloisiane
 Edícia Dialógy
Edícia Dialógy
Rastislav Nemec – Miloš Lichner – Michal Chabada – Marcela Andoková
Pluralita myslenia v tradícii kresťanského staroveku a stredoveku

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
216 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–866–5
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Ivan Kútny
Špecifiká morálneho svedomia

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2015.
100 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–896–2
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Miloš Lichner SJ – Miroslava Jusková OSF – Ján Benkovský SJ
Rehoľné sľuby v konfrontácii spiritualít

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2015.
148 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–885–6
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Jozef Matulník a kol.
Analýza religiozity mladých katolíkov na Slovensku

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
352 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–884–9
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Gloria Braunsteiner, Ladislav Csontos SJ, Andrej Filipek SJ
Nové formy pastorácie a spirituality rozvedených katolíkov po Druhom vatikánskom koncile

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
88 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–872–6
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Lukáš Jeník, Miroslav Karaba, Rastislav Nemec
Filozofické východisko profamily stratégie

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
84 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–881–8
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Rastislav Bednárik, Mária Šmidová, Jozef Žuffa
Empirické a metodologické východiská profamily stratégie

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
76 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–877–1
Slovensky Francúzsky Obsah  
Mária Šmidová
Dozrievanie v láske

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
96 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–853–5
Slovensky Obsah  
Marián Gavenda
Fortes in fide

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
472 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–865–8
Slovensky Obsah  
Miloš Lichner SJ
Lev Veľký a jeho Tomus ad Flavianum

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2014.
88 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–859–7
Slovensky Obsah  
Martin Csontos
Slobodný človek v spravodlivej spoločnosti

Warszawa : Rhetos, 2013.
304 s.
ISBN 978-83-89781-75-8
Slovensky Obsah  
Mária Šmidová
Perspektívy pomoci ľuďom s postihnutím a ich rodinám

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2013.
216 s.
ISBN 978-80-7141-810-8
Slovensky Obsah  
Martin Šarkan
Ku koncepcii prirodzeného a nadprirodzeného v myslení Tomáša Akvinského

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2011.
92 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–724–8
Slovensky Obsah  
Stanislava Prítrská
Syndróm vyhorenia a duchovné cvičenia Ignáca z Loyoly

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2011.
152 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–713–2
English Obsah  
Hľadať Boha vo všetkých veciach : Kontemplatívni v činnosti

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2010.
120 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–674–6
English Obsah  
L’arte musicale come espressione e stimolo della fede. La Passione secondo Giovanni di J.S. Bach

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
306 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–662–3
Mária – Hviezda novej evanjelizácie : Z vybraných apoštolských listov a homílií Jána Pavla II.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
168 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–650–0
Slovensky Nemecky Obsah  
Rastislav NEMEC
Náčrt Whiteheadovej procesuálnej filozofie

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
184 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–644–9
Slovensky Nemecky Obsah  
Miroslav KARABA
Filozofické implikácie kvantovej teórie vo filozofii prírody

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2009.
256 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–573–2
English Obsah  
Alexander PUSS SJ
A szüzesség eszménye a II. Vatikáni Zsinat utáni egyházi dokumentumokban és annak bemutatása az ifjúsági pasztorációban

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008.
296 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–593–0
Homiletické směrnice : Z dejín homiletiky na Morave, v Čechách a na Slovensku

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
124 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–565–7
Slovensky English Obsah  
Vlastimil DUFKA SJ
Cantus Catholici (1655) Il primo libro stampato dei canti cattolici per la liturgia e per la catechesi in Slovacchia

Trnava - Rím : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
312 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–570–1
Slovensky English Taliansky Obsah  
La postmodernità nel dibattito bioetico. Il caso delle questioni di fine vita

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
284 s.
ISBN 978–80–7141–563–3
Slovensky English Taliansky Obsah  
Štruktúra byzantskej utierne („orthros“) podľa hudobných rukopisov 14. – 15. storočia „taxis tôn akolouthiôn“

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2007.
152 s.
ISBN 80–7141–466–2
Slovensky English Taliansky Obsah  
Odovzdávať vieru v súčasnej spoločnosti

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2006.
176 s.
ISBN 80–7141–525–1
Slovensky English Obsah  
   English ZATVORIŤ
To Pass Faith in Contemporary Society

God created man according to his image and likeness, gifted him with wisdom and freedom, perceives him as a dialogue partner and expects both willful and free decision for him.
Faith is a man’s positive answer to God’s revelation; faith is a man’s personal inclination to God and a free approval with the truth revealed by Him. Although, to make faith possible, it has to be preceded by God’s Grace and by inner help of Holy Spirit. Only after God’s initiative related to the origin of faith, a man can give himself to God by subordinating his mind and will to Him and willingly accepts His revelation. Due to this, faith is not only a divine work, God’s gift, but work of a human as well.
If understanding faith as a personal act, as a free answer of a human to God’s initiative, who keeps revealing, such a faith is not passable onto another human being.
Paradoxically, during its history, Church practices a pass of faith from generation to generation. What is being passed? Not a personal and free “yes” of a man to God, but its whole faith history, its experience expressed by symbols, values and lifestyle. The pass of Church is a prerequisite for opening oneself to faith, so faith would not be available to no one without those that already believe.
Today, pass of faith as a part of evangelization appears to be a pastoral priority of most of local Churches and their communities in Europe. However, the results are unsatisfactory. Lack of effective answers for modern times challenges cause confusion and loss of enthusiasm in Church communities as well as by individuals.
In five chapters, the present work offers starting points for understanding the act of passing faith in Church.
In the first chapter named ‘Changes and crisis in passing faith’, attention is directed at cultural and social changes in Slovakia and subsequently in whole Europe, main features of European society and culture, due to which the whole faith passing system of Church decomposes and its efficiency weakens. The elicited faith passing crisis together with its reasons is subjected in the next part of Chapter I, culminating in questioning future of Christianity and reasoning hope with Jesus Christ as a final basis.
The second chapter, ‘Biblical and Church basement for passing faith’, tells about biblical history in order to show revelation and acceptance by humans within community and history on one side, on the other side it concentrates on immediate formation of experience, ideas and habits and special groups of individuals, which in time flow create a tradition. For its survival, a prerequisite for this tradition is to be passed on. At first, the Old Testament will be examined and a pass reflected in Jesus Christ will be shown. Jesus Christ entrusts the deposit of salvation to the apostles and via them to Church itself. In a historical intersection we can observe a faith pass with all its components up to now.
In the third chapter titled ‘A faith passing process’, we pay attention to the components and parts creating this process – factors, agents, recipients, contents and dynamics of passing. Naturally, only the most important components will be considered to provide sufficient orientation. At the same time, individual components create a proposal for the activity of factors, for enabling recipients with a bigger amount of forthrightness and understanding for the faith offer, what shall be included in the passing components and what sequence to use in the faith passing process.
The forth chapter ‘Important moments in the pass on faith’ stresses the activity of Christian laymen, since their life attitude in their family, school, apostles’ and parish environment can contribute to extension of the Christ’s as well as Church’s mission in recent world. Family and parents represent main environment with its unsubstitutable role in the faith passing process in relation to children. Family represents ‘the first training of the Christian life and a training of a full humanity’ (Katechizmus katolíckej cirkvi, 1657).
School as a catechetical environment is of a tremendous importance for education of youth. The task of evangelization and catechetical activity at school is to help for the faith to inspire, unitize and harmonize the whole youth education.
New Church movements possess a very strong evangelization charge. They as well are responsible for helping the faithful ones in their families and parishes to find Christian identity, community and faith passing.
Finally, a parish is being considered as an important mediator of passing faith and a unifier of all communities, movements and Church organizations in relevant areas.
Chapter five ‘Means and tools of passing faith’ shortly describes means and ways used in the faith passing process. Catechesis, liturgy, public religiousness, social communication means art and Marian veneration belong to the elementary ones.
Faith should maturate due to catechesis. In relation to this, catechesis represents the best way to the faith maturity. This concerns individual layers of believers (children, youth, adults) as well as communities such as family, school and parish. Attention to new, approved methods and connection between individual catechesis and community life are very important.
There exists a close connection between faith and liturgy. Moreover, a council says that there is no other church activity of such efficiency as liturgy (Sacrosanctum concilium, 7). The whole wealth of Christian community is made present especially in Eucharist. The pass of faith through initiatory process and sacraments represent a very special manner of this process.
However, spiritual life doesn’t include only catechetical and liturgical activity; spiritual retreats and devotions of local Churches are highly recommended. The performance differs; it expresses thirst after God and other religious values. As per the Pope Paul VI, ‘If well directed, public religiousness might gradually become a real meeting of crowds with God in Jesus Christ’ (Evangelii nuntiandi, č. 48). Recently, social communication needs have become the most frequently used communication means. Their creative use might be if a considerable importance not only for deeper understanding of faith among those, who practice it, but for a true offer and clarification of the Gospel to those of no or insufficient knowledge. In recent picture culture, thanks to its immediate argumentation ability, especially television is strongly influential in relation to recipients. Church needs to adopt this evangelization tool and teach its recipients to choose the valuable in the flood of TV programs.
In the culture with prevailing ‘have’ pursuit, we find a positive feature of interest in beauty as well. Art might become an entrance for a religious experience. Via work of artists, knowing God becomes clearer and announcement of the Gospel becomes more obvious for a man’s understanding. In relation to this, it is positive for artists to feel the support and understanding of Church for their activity.
Church fathers often related birth in baptism with the birth of God’s Son from the blessed womb of Holy Virgin Mary. The womb of Church is often given likeness to the womb of Mary. If we truly have respectful relationship to Church giving birth in the name of faith, the same earned respect is to be shown to the Virgin Mary, a Church paradigm. A true Christian evangelization also has to be Marian.
In conclusion I would like to offer space for reflection directed at the return of the basic and a view of hope.
The Eternity of God

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2005.
392 s.
ISBN 80–7141–484–0
Slovensky English Obsah  
František SOČUFKA SJ
Diakonia slova v slovenskom vysielaní Vatikánskeho rozhlasu.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004.
240 s.
ISBN 80–7141–453–0
Slovensky English Obsah  
Postmodernizmus a jeho civilizačno-kultúrne konzekvencie.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2004.
190 s.
ISBN 80–7141–452–2
Slovensky English Obsah  
Dominika Alžbeta DUFFEROVÁ OSU
Európa – priestor práva a spravodlivosti.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
208 s.
ISBN 80–7141–427–1
Slovensky English Obsah  
Antiklerikalizmus. Niektoré aspekty antiklerikalizmu v Európe v 19. a 20. storočí.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
186 s.
ISBN 80–7141–428–X
Slovensky English Obsah  
Dôstojnosť človeka v starobe, chorobe a zomieraní.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
150 s.
ISBN 80–7141–429–8
Slovensky English Obsah  
Liturgický rok v katechéze.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2002.
230 s.
ISBN 80–7141–405–0
Slovensky English Obsah  
Tóra a moderní židovská filosofie.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2003.
164 s.
ISBN 80–7141–402–6
English Česky Obsah  
Vplyv Biblie na kresťanskú latinčinu. Grécizmy a hebrejizmy pri používaní predložky in.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2002.
132 s.
ISBN 80–7141–373–9
Slovensky English Latinsky Obsah  
Problematika vyučovania náboženstva na Slovensku v rokoch 1948 – 1973.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2001.
86 s.
ISBN 80–7141–364–X
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Cez symbolickú reč liturgických znakov bližšie ku Kristovi.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2001.
296 s.
ISBN 80–7141–352–6
Slovensky Nemecky Francúzsky Obsah  
Karol ĎURČEK SJ a Mikuláš BLAŽEK
Filozofický a fyzikálny pohľad na kozmológiu.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2001.
262 s.
ISBN 80–7141–297–X
English Obsah  
Kanonické pramene byzantsko-slovanskej katolíckej cirkvi v Mukačevskej a Prešovskej eparchii v porovnaní s Kódexom kánonov východných cirkví.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2000.
286 s.
ISBN 80-7141-306-2
Slovensky Taliansky Obsah  
Marián MRÁZ SJ
Problém utrpenia a jeho riešenie v medicínskej etike.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2000.
136 s.
ISBN 80–7141–301–1
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Človek, utrpenie, nemocnica.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2000.
176 s.
ISBN 80–7141–300–3
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Cirkev a štát na Slovensku v rokoch 1918 – 1945.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
136 s.
ISBN 80–7141–268–6
Slovensky Nemecky Obsah  
Patriarchálne Cirkvi v Kódexe kánonov východných cirkví.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
224 s.
ISBN 80–7141–269–4
Slovensky English Obsah  
Dominika Alžbeta DUFFEROVÁ OSU
Nomos Európy podľa Karola Schmidta.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
120 s.
ISBN 80–7141–250–3
Slovensky Francúzsky Španielsky Obsah  
Tajomstvá Božieho kráľovstva.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
296 s.
ISBN 80-7141-248-1
Slovensky Nemecky Francúzsky Obsah  
Rozlišovanie duchov.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1999.
108 s.
ISBN 80–7141–247–3
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Eutanázia z pohľadu katolíckej morálky.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1998.
112 s.
ISBN 80–7141–195–7
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Ježiš Kristus – Počiatok, Plnosť a Zavŕšenie všetkého v dielach Czesława Stanisława Bartnika

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1998.
136 s.
ISBN 80–7141–034–9
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Obnova farnosti cez neokatechumenát

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1998.
264 s.
ISBN 80–7141–036–5
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
P. Michal Lacko SJ – informátor a formátor gréckokatolíkov

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1997.
418 s.
ISBN 80–7141–155–8
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Celostné chápanie vzťahu človeka k Bohu v Duchovných cvičeniach svätého Ignáca z Loyoly

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1997.
232 s.
ISBN 80–7141–154–X
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
Základná antropologická línia v encyklikách Jána Pavla II.

Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 1996.
216 s.
ISBN 80–7141–132–9
Slovensky English Nemecky Obsah  
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