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Život na Aloisiane
 Studia Aloisiana
Studia Aloisiana
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 4
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 4
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 4
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 4
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 5
Diakonát ako východisko kresťanskej charity
Diaconate as the Starting-Point of Christian Charity

The beginnings of diaconate in the Church belong to the period of the first community of believers in Jerusalem. The Christians from Jewish communities found it important to take care of the poor, orphans and widows, such as it was the case already in the Old Testament tradition. Moreover, Jesus Christ presented himself as the one who serves and invites his disciples not to be served but rather to serve themselves. Thus in the first Christian centuries the diaconate developed as an autonomous degree of ministering priesthood which focused mainly on charitable and social work. The examples of several blessed deacons manifest well the significant place they occupy in the Church, where they manage its property that is the base for those in need. As the Church was gaining its liberty, the social and charitable dimensions of the diaconate have gradually been on decline and the liturgical function stands out that has been set up in the Christian East. On the other hand, in the Christian West the permanent diaconate practically dies out and its social and charitable service is taken over by monasteries and later by monastic orders and congregations which specialize in some forms of charity and social service. The Second Vatican Council renewed the permanent diaconate also in the Latin Church, emphasizing that it is the first degree of ordination, which is to say, that it drew it into the line of the priestly ordination in persona Christi. It turns back to the beginnings of the Church stressing the original functions and assignations of the deacons. Particularly in our milieu, where the activity of holy orders was forcifully interrupted for 40 years and the activity of the Catholic Charity was reduced and deformed to self-liquidation of the Church, it is important to rediscover the integral place of the diaconate, and of the charitable and social service in the local Church. It is characteristic that many social workers experience the need of a deeper enrooting of the social work which cannot be built only on some vague philanthrophy, but it is necessary to place it on a more solid base. And this solid base is the starting point which charitable and social work, while proclaiming good news, has had for centuries.
Keywords: deacon, charity, social work, parish community, local Church

Rastislav NEMEC, s. 19
Láska ako téma v perspektíve gréckej a kresťanskej morálky
Love as a Theme in the Perspective of Greek and Christian Morals

The aim of this article pressuposes the coincidence of morals and love. That pressuposition is focused on the bases of Greek morals and Greek vision of love in comparison with Christian one. The basic theme of this searching is Nietzsche’s rude interpretation of Christianity as a heteronomic will to power, his critique of altruism as a blind and weak position and on the other hand the level of “sacrifice”, which is from point of view of religious and also humanistic studies the highest peak and figure of love, which stimulates and moves a person towards a greater matureness.
Keywords: love, Christian ethics, Greek philosophy, Christian commandments

Peter MLYNARČÍK SDB, s. 31
Apriorizmus poznania a racionálna indukcia u Josefa Tvrdého
Apriorism of Knowledge and the Rational Induction of Josef Tvrdý

The article deals with Josef Tvrdý’s resolving of apriorism problem in his methodology of sciences using concept of rational induction. His attempt is based on structural view on wholeness of the word cognized by net of relation knowledge. In praxis it is the question of the building of hypothesis and their verification in the way of rational reasoning and empirical testing. Besides of critics from formal logic and philosophy of science, from the view of philosophy of knowledge it is interesting effort of bridging knowledge a priori – a posteriori in the Czecho-Slovak philosophy between world wars.

Lukáš JENÍK, s. 41
Východiská a konzekvencie konštruktivizmu Nelsona Goodmana
The Starting Points and Consequences of Nelson Goodman’s Constructivism

The problem of constructivism in the Nelson Goodman’s philosophy is one of the most influential antirealistic opinions in the realism – antirealism debate in the philosophy of science and contemporary metaphysics. The purpose of this article is to focus on some starting points (the problem of independence of reality and the problem of correspondence theory of truth) and his consequences (pluralism, relativism and way of worldmaking).
Keywords: Goodman, relativism, constructivism, pluralism, irrealism, ways of worldmaking

Martin CSONTOS, s. 61
Pohľad súčasného liberalizmu a katolíckej sociálnej náuky na spravodlivé usporiadanie spoločnosti
The View of Just Social Order according to Contemporary Liberalism and Catholic Social Teaching

There seems to be a big gap between catholics and liberals concerning their social philosophy and worldview in general. Catholics often consider liberals relativist, permissive and agnostic while many liberals see catholics as out of date and blindly subordinate to the authority of Church. The aim of this article is to try to examine if and to what extent it is possible to reconcile these traditions. My focus is on their social and political philosophy, more precisely on the question of justice and just society. However, liberalism and catholic social thought are too broad traditions to consider them in general. That is why I have chosen John Rawls as a prominent proponent of contemporary liberalism and cardinal Joseph Höffner and the late pope John Paul II as representants of catholic social thought and compared their views. Given the limited space, the scope of questions I deal with in this article is limited as well. Basically I am concerned with four topics: 1. Social nature of man and individualism, 2. democracy, truth and transcendence, 3. socialism vs. capitalism, 4. social justice and social love. The resulut of my inquiry is that in spite of enduring differences, catholic social thought and rawlsian liberalism are much closer than it could seem at first sight and that the dialogue between them is not only desirable but possible as well.
Keywords: John Rawls, liberalism, justice, political philosophy, catholic social teaching, capitalism, socialism, democracy
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
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