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 Studia Aloisiana
Studia Aloisiana
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 3
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 6, 2015, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 4
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 3
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 5, 2014, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 4
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles  
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 4
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 3
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 1
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 4
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Správy*Materials  
   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
s. 5
Vývoj legálneho rodinného stavu v Slovenskej republike a axiologické východiská pre výchovu k manželstvu a rodičovstvu
Development of Legal Family Status in Slovak Republic and Axiological Starting-Points for the Marriage and Parenthood Education

The paper aims to describe the issues of the legal family status and to identify possible ways to support the family policy and family education. It gives short characteristics of family structures and their development in the Slovak Republic, including the marriage and divorce processes. Based on statistical data, the paper highlights the terminus a quo for the marriage and parenthood education and comments current condition of the legitimate conception.
Key words: family status, marriage, divorce, conception of the marriage and parenthood education, education, European values

Jaroslava POLOŇOVÁ, s. 17
Vplyv osobnostnej zrelosti partnerov na vznik rodiny v súčasnosti
Influence of Partner’s Personal Maturity for the Establishment of Family Today

The family is now threatened by many influences. Neither the Christian family is spared the pressure of the consumer-oriented and materialistic society as well as socio-economic changes and struggles with the performance of claims which it is imposed. However, despite external factors, the family is largely determined by internal influences: interpersonal relations and personal amenities of partners. For a family it is possible, in addition to its characteristics – the basic cell of society or primary social institution, to be seen as a network of interpersonal relations. One of the dominant factors affecting the failure of modern family is also immaturity of partners. Currently, an increasing number of marriages and families, in which partners do not reach maturity of their personality (at the emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual level) and it has largely affect their relationship and raising their children. Personal immaturity of the partners – parents often gives rise to different socio-pathological phenomena in the family. Under the influence of many changes parents can not handle the demands placed on marriage and maternity/paternity and start taking alcohol, drugs, or do not reach to resolve conflicts other than by violence or aggressive behavior. Children from such families often seek escape and feel safe on the street, where they spend most of their time. Many of them grow up criminals or vagrants, often ending up homeless or survive as their lives depend on assistance and institutionalized care. The family is now threatened in two ways: external and internal. External threats to the family is mainly due to the culture in which the family lives; internal risk is characterized by the fact that the family does not meet the internal conditions necessary for the functioning of marriage and family. The family is also threatened from within; the family has not the conditions necessary for the functioning of marriage and family. Internal threats to the family may cause two things: the status of father and husband in the family and mental, or emotional maturity or immaturity of young people today. Developmental psychology recognizes these types of personality immaturity: mental, emotional and social. It should be added that, even spiritual. One of the fundamental characteristics of maturity is that one is free to decide individually and voluntarily, he has self-control, knows his strengths and weaknesses and has a responsibility not only for himself, but is able to take responsibility for marriage and family. In the case of prematurity is a marriage partner or partnership often doomed to fail. One of the solutions or preventive measure of divorce is education in families and schools. In 1996, the Slovak government adopted concept of education for marriage and parenthood.

Peter VANSAČ, s. 29
Kresťanské manželstvo a rodina – teória a prax
Christian Marriage and Family – Theory and Praxis

The Church in Slovakia included marriage and family to Pastoral plan for years 2007 – 2013 as priority group of pastoration. The Church places the emphasis on quality preparation for marriage so that young people can realize that they should make their plan of life according to God’s will by sacramental marriage.
We meet young people who are not interested in sacramental marriage or young people who live long time together without marriage and then they decide to get married, or very young people who want to get married because of pregnancy.
Church wants to form and lead family in spirit of gospel. We can see that Slovak family is incomplete by various reasons. These are problems of the third millennium which Church meets, but it is also a challenge for Church to address these families in spirit of pastoration.
Keywords: marriage, family, freedom, crisis, care, preparation

Ján ĎURICA SJ, s. 41
Biblické aspekty ľudskej zrelosti
Biblical Aspects of Human Maturity

Human being inside of his human development is called to get adulthood and real maturity. The first instructions regarding this growth we can find in the revealed Word of God in the Bible. The Bible expresses the notion of maturity by the concepts of perfection and holiness. Therefore we reflect first about human being in the spirit of the biblical anthropology by the way of synthetic understanding: soul, heart, corporality, body, spirit (mind). Thereafter we elaborate the question of the place of human being in the history of salvation. After that is following the idea treating the propose of free choice in order to make election regarding achieving human maturity, the neglecting of which means the degradation of human dignity. This issue is presented by the notion of vice. At the end we present the question of conscience as an inner voice and instrument for discernment between the good and the evil. Thus the human being perceived in the spirit of Decalogue and helped by the grace of God can be seen in all his age stages and in all forms of his involvements as having an open way to get full human maturity, because being created according God’s image and resemblance.
Keywords: human being, soul, heart, body, spirit (mind), maturity, holiness, perfection, virtue, vice, Decalogue, conscience

Stanislav VOJTKO, s. 57
Biblické východiská pre formáciu ľudsky zrelých manželov
Biblical Basis for the Formation of a Humanly Mature Married Couple

The present contribution is based on the paradoxical fact that although a lot of energy and time is devoted to preparation of specialists in various fields, very little attention is paid to formation of human personality in its complexity. This lack is particularly evident in the area of marital relationships. The present lecture will therefore focus on two areas of concern: In the first part we describe the biblical basis for the formation of the spouses to human maturity. Using the example of Jesus’ attitude to some problematic biblical characters (Samaritan woman, sinner, Zacchaeus, repentant criminals...) we point to important factors that should be taken into account in the formation of a contemporary person living in a marriage: to take each person as a person of the highest value, because every person is created in God’s image; to use an individual approach in relations; not to condemn those who sin and make faults, but to encourage repentance; build relationships through selfless service to provide the spouses a positive perspective of life. In the second part we deal with the ideas from some documents by John Paul II (eg, Redemptor hominis, Familiaris Consortio, Mulieris dignitatem) that have a strong potential to assist married couples in building mature personalities; on this basis they may be able to create a solid and harmonious partnership. The seminal moment emphasized by John Paul II is the deep communion with Christ as a filial devotion to the Father and love of the Holy Spirit. This is the spiritual base for creating solid marriage and family relations. In conclusion we state, that the knowledge and application of biblical solutions and those of the Magisterium in the formation of Christian married couples is for a contemporary believer a prerequisite to build unity and love in marriage.

Mieczysław OZOROWSKI, s. 67
Ludzka dojrzałość chrześcijanina
Human Maturity of a Christian

The theme of the human maturity of a Christian is remarkably broad. A good many books could be written on the subject. The text presents some points for more extensive reflection on Christian maturity: true heart, the intelligence of faith, moral integrity, social maturity. The emotionally mature man is ready to establish deep and lasting personal – both marital and family – relations. Naturally, the place for transmitting and learning a mature faith which consists in coming to know the truth of God and man is the family. Moral maturity is formation of the mature conscience, essential for a mature faith. With respect to married and family life, social maturity should be marked with the readiness to share with and give to the other person and with the eagerness to require less of others and give more of oneself. It is an important constituent of human formation of a Christian to set proper personal examples. It is Jesus Christ himself – the Perfect Man, who is an unequalled but real-life example. Many examples to follow are to the found among the saints and the blessed. Many of them lived among us a short while ago and have been raised to the glory of the altar contemporarily. These also include saintly mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, children and even mothers-in-law. The only, ever-indispensible requirement for Christian maturity is the faith in Jesus Christ – as seen in the example of the good thief.

Adam SKRECZKO, s. 75
Pomoc Kościoła w kształtowaniu dojrzałości ludzkiej małżonków i rodziców : Aspekt pastoralny
The Church Assistance in Shaping Human Maturity of Married Couples and Parents : A Pastoral Aspect

Mature individual creates a family community, in which two people, sharing one human nature and equal in their dignity, are united in the sacrament of matrimony and become one body. The maturity of people destined to be man and wife and then parents is closely related to their Christian maturity. Consequently, the formation of an individual who wishes to live in a family has to take into account the two above-mentioned aspects. As ‘well understood’ maturity is gained in a well functioning family, the author discusses the family duties and the supporting role of the Church. The article is an attempt to present some pastoral suggestions to improve the present situation in this field. One of the most important aspects of maturity is the concern for the life in faith.

Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 95
Zrelosť vo viere ako faktor stability katolíckeho manželstva a rodiny
Maturity in Faith as Stability Factor of Catholic Marriage and Family

In this contribution we will point out casual interdependence between the stability of the Catholic marriage and family and that of the maturity in faith. As a starting point we will get use of the comparison of results of the empirically obtained marriage and family value depending on the faith factors with the faith development from ancestral children’s faith towards a personal belief of the adults. Furthermore, we will point out the important moments of the faith crises which are at the same time a chance for its growth and maturing in personal life as well as in the life of basic human society represented by marriage and family. We will emphasise especially the importance of common growth in faith and in the ability to forgive. Finally, faith turns into love in which the commandment of love for God and for the neighbour are connected. For when we love our brothers, we love the Lord Himself.
Keywords: crisis of the faith, conversion, erosion of marriage, maturity in faith, love for God, love for one’s neighbour

Ivan KÚTNY, s. 109
Odcudzenie základnému aspektu povolania : Špecifiká teologicko-morálneho odlíšenia i v chápaní Magistéria Cirkvi ostatných desaťročí
Alienation to the Fundamental Aspect of the Vocation : Particularities of the Theological-Moral Distinction in the View of the Church-Magisterium in the Last Decad

In this contribution the author, defining the treating scope, points out the call for meeting in personal experience with God who, in Christ, showed us not only his Face, but also opened up his Heart. This experience dimension can be thus for man not only the information but also the performance impulse. Consequently, he gives room to one of the most fundamental aspects of man’s vocation, i.e. to create intimate communion with God. Being however called to be a man, also with people, he specifies some alienation phenomena. Moreover, in the interactivity with them he mentions inadequate attitude towards love for one’s mother tongue and for one’s country. Then he justifies the significance of alienation consequences to the basic aspect of vocation also through the spiritual principle of solidarity expressed by the law of rise and the law of decline, in the interactivity between edification or degradation of common good in the aspect of moral good. In his conclusion he presents in an interrogative way the following: Will Christ, as the first-born and the head of the Church, who, by the gift of the Holy Spirit, established new brotherhood of all those who accept Him by faith and love, find the faith in himself at the second moment of his coming to the Earth?
Keywords: vocation, homo religiosus, alienation, theological dimension, experience

Peter TIRPÁK, s. 121
Diferencia v chápaní a interpretácii lásky ako jeden z faktorov ovplyvňujúcich manželstvo a rodinu
The Difference in Understanding and Interpretation of Love as One of the Factors Influencing Marriage and Family

Family is a natural institution; not something arising from an arbitrary agreement that is modifiable at any time based on momentary needs and feelings. A functioning family is a treasure that is embedded in the will of the Creator, the ultimate Lord of every family and life in general. Family does not pose any obstacle, hurdle, or unbearable burden to a modern human, as is often proclaimed by numerous media and individuals, who never experienced full love and its fruit in the form of a family and stability within a family – possibly, due to the fault of themselves and their misled perceptions. In such a challenging environment, it is the purpose of the Church to continuously rely on the hope and courage of its members and to preach that family is equivalent to goodness. Family is good for a husband and wife, it is good for the fulfillment of love, to which every human being is called in the depths of his/her heart. The subsequent contribution aims to emphasize that the perception of love and the respect to the One, from whom all love comes are the right approaches to maintain the stability in a relationship and to help personal evolution of a human being.
Key words: family, community, love, eros and egape, crisis, understanding
Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 3
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 1
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