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Teologický časopis |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Cyril ŠESTÁK SJ, s. 5
39. list sv. Atanáza Alexandrijského
39th Letter of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
The 39th Festal Letter (or „Easter Letter“) is a milestone in the evolution of the canon of New Testament books. In it, for the first time, we find the list of 27 New Testament books as we know them today. Athanasius as the ”Father of Ortodoxy“ by having included the Epistle to the Hebrews as well as John’s Apocalypse in the list, put a definite end to the discussion over their canonicity. Moreover, his canon had influence also on saint Augustine and thus on the entire Western Church.
Cyril ŠESTÁK SJ, s. 19
Deciove libelli libellaticorum
Decian Libelli Libellaticorum
The Decian persecution of Christians, which started at the end of 249, was the first systematic persecution of Christians iniciated by the emperor himself and spread over the whole Roman empire. The edict as such has not been preserved up to now, it is mentioned mainly in the works of Church Fathers. It was especially saint Cyprian who, having survived this persecution thanks to his flight to the exile, had to resolve consequences of there far-reaching reprisals. The Christians who in different ways, either out of weakness or tepidity, denied their faith and made sacrifice to pagan gods, were called the „lapsed“. Their return to the Church community was then connected with the long-term penance. The certificates, so called libelli libellaticorum of those who sacrificed to gods, are a valuable proof of the Decian persecution of Christians. Modern papyrologie includes in this collection of the Decian libelli altogether 46 papyri out of which a large majority has been found in the Fajjúm area of Egypt. Thus three papyri which are presented in this paper, dating back from June 250, show us the development of sacrifices before the commission.
Peter IKHARDT, s. 31
Niektoré výzvy pre katechézu na Slovensku v kontexte pokoncilového Magistéria
Some Challenges for the Catechesis in Slovakia in Context of After-Second-Vatican-Council Magisterium
Catechization is dynamic and organic process of ecclesial activities, which aims to initiate faith and its maturation in the believer. Second Vatican Council brought invaluable impulses for catechetical renewal efforts so that catechesis better able to reflect the current state of man and bring him effectively the Christian message. The main challenge of catechesis is to include it into context of evangelization, organically linked with the Christian initiation of permanent catechesis and focus primarily on catechization of adult believers. With specific regard should be revised views on the role of catechesis in the school environment, which is currently undergoing a transformation. This requires an organic planting religious education among other subjects of the education system and strengthening the family and parish catechesis.
Keywords: catechesis, evangelization, belief, Christian initiation, permanent faith formation, family catechesis, parish catechesis, religious education in school
Pavol TURZA, s. 45
Niektoré aspekty teológie pastorácie mládeže
Some Aspects of Pastoral Theology of Young People
The topic of the pastoral care of youth is really important. Youth is the hope of the Churh. In the article the author notices the phenomenon of the youth, its relationship with religion and Church and pastoral theology of young people. In the context of few theological points of view the author perceives the Biemer’s anthropological principle, which points out the theological anthropology for better understanding of pastoral care of youth; the Fuchs’s principle, which points out the prophetic power of youth; the theological way of bishop Hemmerle that the faith and Church are the way for the young person to know himself.
Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 61
Bude na Slovensku veľa neplatných katolíckych manželstiev?
Will There Be Many Void Catholic Marriages in Slovakia?
The teaching of the Church clearly states that the Catholic marriage is indissoluble. The teaching of indissolubility of marriage is a part of theological content of the Catholic Church and not only a changing legal enactment. However, one should be aware of the fact that we can talk about unconditional indissolubility of marriage only in case of a ratified and consummated Catholic marriage. According to the results from 2007 of the religiosity survey of Slovak Catholics at productive age it turns out that a considerable part of Catholics accept the unbelievers’ views of marriage. They no more consider the indissolubility of marriage to be its fundamental character; on the contrary, they accept the opinion that marriage should in principle end up when man and woman do not get on well with each other anymore. From these empirical findings rises a question whether there will be, or eventually already is, many void Catholic marriages in Slovakia. If this is the case, then it is necessary to consider the means how to improve such situation. Without deepening and enhancing the remote as well as the immediate preparation for receiving the sacrament of marriage, one cannot expect that by the all-society trend toward free cohabitation and divorce as a solution of mutual problems in marriage, a turnover will be achievable also for the Catholics in the unfavourable divorce rate growth. Thus a new evangelization of non-practising Catholics will be necessary together with the implementation of the cathechumenate of adults and the renewal of parish communities.
Keywords: marriage, divorce, cohabitation, new evangelization, catechesis, public opinion |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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