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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Studia Aloisiana |
Studia Aloisiana |
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 4, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 3, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 3
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 2, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Studia Aloisiana, roč. 1, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Gorazd FRONC, s. 7
Osobné svedomie človeka – pátranie po ontologických základoch
Personal Conscience of Man – Research for Ontological Fundaments
There is an inseparable bond between a person and its conscience in an ontological, psychological and ethical way. In this article the focus is oriented to our searching for certain ontological fundaments of the personal conscience. Videlicet, we have pointed to “a gestalt understanding of the conscience” on the basis of the personal nucleus of the man contained in the contemporary personalistic idea of “a gestalt understanding of the person” and consequently to analyze ontological ground of the conscience. We have attempted to explore ontic relations between man, person and conscience and their existence, subsistence and essence.
Oľga GAVENDOVÁ, s. 17
Podiel práce na poľudštení človeka
The Part Played by Labour in the Humanization of Man
The question of labour became the centre of attention thanks to the Marxists. According to their opinion an ape changed into a man thanks to work. Our standpoint is different: man is not only a subject of work creating something different that he himself is but the work helps him to develop his own existence. In work a man conveys his spiritual side. A man needs to work in order to be a man and becoming a man more and more. The work belongs to his fundamental private rights.
Miroslav KARABA, s. 29
Lakatosova verzia vedeckého pokroku ako inkorporácie
Lakatos’ Version of the Progress in Science as Incorporation
Lakatos’ contribution to the philosophy of science was an attempt to resolve the perceived conflict between Popper’s falsificationism and the revolutionary structure of science described by Kuhn. Lakatos sought a methodology that would harmonize these contradictory points of view to wit a methodology that could provide a rational account of scientific progress, consistent with the historical record. According to him the scientists involve in a research programmes in order to attempt shield the theoretical core from falsification attempts behind a protective belt of auxiliary hypotheses. He also believed that a research programme contained methodological rules, some that instruct on what paths of research to avoid (negative heuristic) and some that instruct on what paths to pursue (positive heuristic). Lakatos insisted that it is not the duty of the philosopher of science to recommend research decision to the scientist. Some scientists may choose to pursue degenerating programme in the hope that further work will re-establish the programme as progressive. To minimize opportunities for self-deception, he recommended that a cumulative public record be maintained of the successes and failures of each research programme.
Rastislav NEMEC, s. 43
Náboženstvo a faktory religióznosti z hľadiska Whiteheadovej procesuálnej filozofie
Religion and Factors of Religious Thoughts from the Point of View of Whitehead’s Process Philosophy
The aim of this article is Whitehead’s concept of religious experience, especially in his later works. According to his view, religion is a paralel instance to society formed by the cultural and moral background of society. Each member of society is confronted with religion, such as with moral dilemma, because it’s usual part of one’s life. But, in Whitehead’s concept are present many different characteristics of religion.
Ľuboš ROJKA SJ, s. 57
Tomizmus Bernarda Lonergana SJ
Thomism of Bernard Lonergan SJ
B. Lonergan was a traditional and innovative theologian, similarly as it was St. Thomas Aquinas. Lonergan was inspired by St. Thomas and developed a deeper analysis of the concept of intelligere in relation to Augustine’s veritas and Maréchal’s understanding of the judgment. From his new insight into the principles of human knowing, several consequences for the thomism followed: Thomism for tomorrow has to move from logic to method; from Aristotelian science to modern science; from the metaphysics of the soul to the self-appropriation of the subject; from an apprehension of human nature to a historical understanding of human being, and from the first principles to transcendental method.
Andrej SLODIČKA, s. 69
Ekumenické myslenie blahoslaveného biskupa a mučeníka Vasiľa Hopka (1904 – 1976) v diele Greko-katoličeskaja cerkov
Ecumenical Thinking of Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasiľ Hopko (1904 – 1976) in the Work Greko-katoličeskaja cerkov
In this article the author wants to focus on dogmatic aspect of theological thinking of blessed bishop and martyr Vasiľ Hopko (1904 – 1976) to his episcopal consecration, e. g. until 11th May 1947. Fundamentally and primary source is his work Greko-katoličeskaja cerkov, which was printed in publishing house Petra in Prešov in 1946. Through analysis of his work and through comparison with contemporary Catholic views we want to introduce theological thinking of blessed Vasiľ. |
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