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Teologický časopis |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 5
Jezuiti a intelektuálny apoštolát
Jesuits and the Intellectual Apostolate
First of all we would like to point out two aspects of the Theological Faculty of Trnava University, that is an apostolic work of the Society of Jesus, and at the same time the Faculty of a public University. The general congregations of the Society of Jesus have clearly declared the intelectual apostolate to which Jesuit academic institutions are being called. The Jubilee Year 2000 was an opportunity for UNESCO to express their vision of higher education in the following century. In that, the vision of the university research plays a key role. So the claims of the order and of the international community do not only meet in our Theological Faculty, but they synthetize as well. The University together with the Faculty have within the capacities in their long-term plans set some goals on which they want to concentrate. The University has thus expressed its ambition to be a research University with a high proportion of the research activities that will enable its development. The Theological Faculty has established and started to develop several long-term priority programmes in the field of the relation between science and faith, the origins of Christian thought and culture, biblical studies, as well as in the improvement of teaching pastoral theology and the dialog between the East and the West. The first results of a several-year effort after the year 2000 have already indicated the rightness of the choice oriented ad fontes. The two projects, mainly the „Komentár k Svätému písmu“ (Commentary to the Bible) and the „Starokresťanská knižnica“ (Ancient Christian Library), turn out to be strong and long-term perspective. Other published works also bring hope that even other projects will become so within several years.
Dominik KAĽATA SJ, s. 23
Obrat v nemeckej teológii? Klaus Berger kontra Rudolf Bultmann
A Turn in German Theology? Klaus Berger contra Rudolf Bultmann
This turn is connected with new trends in the German theology which should not even surprise us. Theological reflection is getting itself under the riveting wave of philosophical thinking. Rudolf Bultmann belongs among the most influential. We may define his thinking in two features: first, it is the so called demythologizing and the second, an existential interpretation. Both display dependence upon Marburg philosophy school of the 19th and 20th century. Bultman’s colleague in Marburg is philosophy professor Martin Heidegger to whom he owes much of his principle of existential interpretation. During 1950s up until 1970s Rudolf Bultmann becomes the most influential theologian not only in the German protestant theology. Many catholic theologians are subject to the times of “Bultmanism” and they try to express everything only existentially.
There is no lack of adversaries either, in the first place Karl Barth from Basel with his “dialectic theology”. And then Klaus Berger in Germany, protestant theology professor at the oldest German university in Heidelberg. This article pays a special attention to him. Why? Klaus Berger corrects Bultmann’s understanding of myth, especially in so far as its validity goes and thus even more so a question of suitability while applying the understanding in the interpretation of biblical message. It concerns in the first place the idea of world and the idea of historicity and then Bultmann’s request to interpret the biblical message “existentially analytically” in order for it to become a personal message for a man of today.
Klaus Berger based his critical attitude against Bultmann on the studies of Karl Barth and inspired by him he criticizes Bultmann’s dependence upon Martin Heidegger. Here, it is apparent Berger’s different attitude towards philosophy and understanding of history, especially in so far as the ancient world goes as it is apparent in the work called Darf man an Wunder glauben? (Can we believe in miracles?) In summary we may say that Klaus Berger gets himself into a collision with the traditional protestant theology in the old city of Heidelberg.
Among his critics were those who thought he has converted to catholocism. There is a lack of evidence to believe this. Klaus Berger had stirred up the surface of theological thinking in the first half of 20th century. We cannot really talk about a real turn in theology yet. Thus the question mark behind the statement „turn in the German theology“ seems to be justified.
Józef KULISZ SJ, s. 37
Religia przyszłości w myśli Ojca Pierre’a Teilharda de Chardin
Religion of the Future in the Thought of Fr. P. Teilhard de Chardin
Vaticanum II in the Declaration of the religious freedom Dignitatis humanae teaches, that people, because they are persons, are urged by own nature, and obliged morally to look for the freedom, especially in the area of religion (2). It is the mystery of a person – intellect and will – the source of the existential anxiety, in which is born the question about sense of the existence of the world and the human being in it. The answer for it has been looking and is looking by a man in the culture, where he is trying to know himself and take the world under his government. In the culture a man finds religions, which give the answer for his existential anxiety. Which one can be the way of maturity? It is not an easy choice. French Jesuit wants to show the values in the culture, and in the Christianity itself, which can’t be find in other religions, and the ways of spiritual life, which give the possibility to see and choose the Christianity as a unique true religion of the future.
Ladislav BUČKO, s. 45
Univerzálnosť Ježišovej misie podľa evanjeliových spisov
Universality of Jesus’ Mission according to Gospel Scriptures
The New Testament scriptures introduce Jesus as the one sent to fulfill promises given to Israel. During his earthly public life, Jesus focused his mission to Jews in Galilee and Judea. However, gospel scriptures found universal dimension of Jesus’ mission and show Jesus of Nazareth as the one whose joyful message is addressed to all nations and groups of people. Many of the gospel scripture themes connected with Jesus’ mission have universal character: Kingdom of God; Jesus’ interest in pagan people; Jesus’ effort to promote and liberate poor, sick, oppressed people and little ones; mission of the cross; new universal liturgy; missionary commission; journey to God the Father and sending the Holy Spirit. All people from all nations and groups are invited to the Kingdom of God, or according to John’s gospel to the new life, where fullness of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit presence exists.
Adam KOPEREK, Jerzy KOPEREK, s. 57
Religijne i wychowawcze zasady życia chrześcijańskiego w świetle Pierwszego listu św. Jana
Religious and Educational Rules of the Christian Life in the Light of the First Letter of St. John
First Letter of St. John, like the fourth gospel, the Church tradition attributed to John Apostle. However, in a letter there is no direct data on the author, hence the modern exegetes are unanimous on this point. Similarities in vocabulary and style between the Fourth Gospel and First John’s Letter indicates that the letter comes from a representative of the John tradition, who refers himself in the 2 and 3 J as Presbyter.
1 John was written in conjunction with a religious crisis, which survived the John churches at the turn of first and second century, in order to ensure the recipient that they have communication with God. The reason for the crisis were the errors propagated by the false prophets, who rejected the incarnation of Christ and the morality of the Gospel. The letter does not include a direct polemics with the false prophets, but is a collection of doctrinal instruction and moral guidance.
The author, sharing with the audience reflection on the loftiness of the Christian life, provide a synthesis of biblical thoughts about God revealed in Jesus Christ.
The leitmotiv of the letter is the participation of Christians in the divine life. In the prologue and epilogue, John emphasizes the experience of eternal life, which was offered by God in Jesus Christ. The Christian is in communion with God, when he comes to light, acting in accordance with the requirements of the saving righteousness of God revealed in Christ and the practice of mutual love. Domain of the divine life – the light, truth and love, is opposed by Satan’s domain of death, darkness, lies and hatred.
The Christian must avoid evil and sin of the world, which pulls the human into the realm of the evil influence. In this light appears the ethical and educational value of the letter, which encourages people to zeal in faith and love, and patiently waiting for the coming of the Lord. The author urges the recipient to avoid sin, to confess the apostolic faith in Christ as the Son of God who became man, and keep the commandments of God, which is the fullest expression of mutual love.
Key words: religious and educational rules, Christian life, First Letter of St. John |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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