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 Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis, roč. 13, 2015, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
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   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
Martin ŠARKAN, s. 9
Svedomie ako hľadanie zmyslu v existenciálnej analýze V. E. Frankla
Conscience as a Search for Meaning in Existential Analysis by V. E. Frankl

The presented paper analyses concept of conscience perceived as a psychological phenomenon in work of V. E. Frankl. Starting point of his concept is meant as a critical response to the Freud’s theory which sees conscience as a representation of social and moral norms integrated by an individual through process of socialization. Frankl pointed out that conscience as a mental phenomenon cannot be reduced neither to an instinct nor to an imprinting of external cultural norms. An inevitable prerequisite for its existence is a free, autonomous and self-conscious individuality – the fact overlooked by Freud in his mechanistic anthropology. Existential analysis by V. E. Frankl comprehends conscience as a essential anthropological structural dimension of personality, as a body of meaning which is able to perceive unique values attached to specific situations. Conscience as an existence towards responsibility is the personal axis of every human being. Dialogical character of the conscience reveals the transcendental aspect of the personal spiritual unconsciousness. In the light of Frankl’s approach toward topic of presented paper, conscience, with its spiritual meaning-manifesting and value-revealing attributes, may be seen as a inner sacramental structure of human personality and no relationship evolving in accordance with conscience could be completly excluded from authentical communio with God.
Keywords: conscience, sacraments, search for meaning, existential analysis, transcendence, spiritual dimension of personality

Miroslav ADAM OP, s. 17
Kánonicko-právne postavenie veriacich, čo žijú v neregulárnych manželských zväzkoch
The Canonical and Juridical Status of those Faithful in Irregular Marriage Situations

One of the most difficult and critical pastoral issues facing the Church today involves Catholics who have been married in the Church and then have divorced and remarried. It is clear, then, that divorce by itself does not prohibit a person from receiving Holy Communion. It is engaging in a subsequent relationship, possibly resulting in a civil marriage apart from the Church, which causes the problem. Divorced and remarried persons who cannot separate or live in complete continence, and therefore are prohibited from receiving the Eucharist, are not excommunicated from the Church. But their participation in the Church is limited by their condition. Yet, the Church has a special concern for such persons and invites them to share in the life to the extent that the Church allows. As the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith states, pastors have a special responsibility to instruct divorced and remarried persons that their participation in the life of the Church is not reduced to the reception of the Eucharist. Pastors should rather emphasize to such persons the value of sharing in the sacrifice of Christ in the Mass, of spiritual communion, of prayer, of meditation on the word of God, and of works of charity and justice.
Keywords: admission to Eucharistic communion, divorced and remarried members of the faithful

Gloria BRAUNSTEINER, s. 29
Sviatostnosť manželstva z pohľadu systematickej teológie
The Sacrament of Marriage in the Specific Way of Systematic Theology

The paper refers to the problem of divorced couples in the specific way of systematic theology and its aim is to offer a background to the considerations from the practical point of view of the disciplines, present at the conference: canon law, moral, pastoral and spiritual theology as well as psychology. Some biblical references and a short look at the development in dogmatic history is followed by a systematic reflection of the sacrament of marriage. As a conclusion the aspect of faith according to this sacrament is being stressed.

Ivan KÚTNY, s. 37
Mravno-morálny aspekt povolania k inovovanej forme fantázie lásky
Moral Aspect of Vocation to Innovated Form of Fantasy of Love

The article deliberates some aspects concerning a sensitive and ever more actual issue of more appropriate perception of love. This perception is contextualized in personal and moral manifestation of an individual person in the journeying Church seeking new inspiration of love. The primal impulse, uprising from the Creator, to share the loving life of the tri-personal God awaits the Christian, who realizes that the God of Bible does not reveal some kind of codex at first instance but it is himself whom he unfolds in his mystery and mystery of his will. In the context of fantasy of love it is intended to point out not only the continuity in tradition of love, but also an enhanced resourcefulness, as this is the time of new fantasy of love.

Michael SIEVERNICH SJ, s. 47
Problém rozvedených a znovuzosobášených v Cirkvi z pastorálno-teologického hľadiska
The Problem of Divorces and Remarriages in the Church from Standpoint of Pastoral Theologie

In western countries, a considerable majority prefer marriage as a long-term stable relationship and consider fidelity and love of utmost importance for a successful marriage. At the same time many numbers of divorces and remarriages seem to place in question the concept of marriage as being “till death do us part“. The sacramental indissolubility of marriage on the one end and the reality of divorce and remarriage on the other obviously are irreconciliable and cause significant tensions. The Church calls divorced people to remain faithful to the sacramental bond by not remarrying, and those who remarry are not allowed to receive the sacraments, unless the partners live together as brother and sister, that means without sexual relations. As there is no general solution to this problem, but room for further interpretation, some theologians and bishops offer several ideas and suggestions, referring either to the moral quality of the second marriage and the rights of children impacted by the divorce, or applying the principles of canonical equity and conscience. The openess to the idea of “Oikonomia“ by which the Orthodox Church is able to stick at sacramental marriage and tolerate remarriage may be helpful for further consideration. From a faith perspective, any pastoral solution should foster conjugality and family as paths of life and love.
Keywords: (sacramental) marriage, indissolubility, divorce, remarriage, pastoral guidance

Mieczysław OZOROWSKI, s. 59
Stosunek Kościoła Katolickiego do związków niesakramentalnych
The Attitude of Catholic Church to the Non-Sacramental Unions

The Church takes great care of the institution of marriage. The Church’s teaching reveals the greatness and dignity of Christian spouses. Their faithful and lifelong love is an obvious sing of the Covenant of love between Christ and the Church. However, many believers, for one reason or another, reject this Christian ideal, building their quasi-married lives around non-sacramental unions. Pastors of the Church regard this negative phenomenon with due care, sparing no pains to help the confused people. These still remain in the boson of the Church, even though they incur heavy canonical sanctions; they will not receive absolution and have no access to Holy Communion. However, they have the right to pastoral care which should enable them to return to the complete unity with Christ and the Church, even if the road may be hard and painful.

Juraj DOLINSKÝ SJ, s. 67
Vývoj praxe pokánia v kresťanskom staroveku a stredoveku
The Development of Praxis of Repentance in Christian Antiquity and Middle Ages

Repentance is one of the expressions of piety of man who is aware of his/her inner state. Its development finds its forms both in the Old and in the New Testament. The Church that is the bearer of Christ, has practised repentance throughout its history. Moreover, the development of man is marked by social and cultural history as well as by the understanding of juridical awareness of guilt and punishment.
Keywords: repentance, canonical repentance, sin, forgiveness

Adam SKRECZKO, s. 73
Duszpasterska pomoc osobom żyjącym w związkach niesakramentalnych w Polsce
Pastoral Help to People Living in Non-Sacramental Unions in Poland

Pastoral care centre’s for non-sacramental unions that have been emerging in Poland for some time are a response of the Catholic Church to the situation of the faithfuls who, for various reasons, found themselves in a deplorable marital and family situation. This paper makes an attempt at outlining the forms of assistance provided to people living in non-sacramental unions. In Poland, pastoral care for non-sacramental unions is still in the initial stage, calling for further development involving the creation of appropriate organizational structures and perfecting forms and methods of apostleship. This article includes some postulates aimed at improving the current state of affairs.

Michal HOSPODÁR, s. 83
Modlitba ako liek pre katolíkov, čo žijú v nesviatostnom manželstve
The Prayer as a Medicine for Catholics Who Live in Non-Sacramental Marriage

The prayer has substantial importance for every Christian’s life of faith. However, it has distinctive meaning within life temptations, among that belong unfulfilled or unavailing interpersonal relationship, too. The intention of this contribution is to indicate the need and effectiveness of persistent prayer to those, who live in non-sacramental marriage. Analytical part is based on thematic quotations of the Scripture, which are interpreted in context of posed problematics. The contribution also includes practical application of prayer forms for those who live non-sacramental marriage. Pastoral solution of some forms of non-sacramental cohabitation is discussed in the last section. The result of searching which position has the prayer in watched cohabitations is the finding that the prayer has key role in „sanation“ of aggrieved individuals’ hearts and thus returns them in possible social and personal normal status.
Keywords: marriage, divorce, prayer, faith, forgiveness, pastoral care

Iveta GALLOVÁ, s. 91
Význam malých spoločenstiev vo farnostiach pre pastoračnú starostlivosť o veriacich, ktorí nemôžu mať plnú účasť na sviatostnom živote Cirkvi
Importance of Small Parish Communities in Pastoral Care for the Believers Who Cannot Have Full Participation in the Sacramental Life of the Church

A typical phenomenon of the contemporary life is the family crisis, and increase of the people who did not or cannot enter the valid sacrament of marriage. In spite of that they want to share and live their faith in the Church community. Although these believers cannot receive a full participation or they have just a limited participation in the sacramental life of the Church, it is necessary for the Church to give them appropriate special pastoral care and attention in the spirit of Christian love. One of the possibilities is to help them in their formation by means of small laymen communities in parishes. The small laymen community of believers is the space in which it is possible for them to experience the social and ecclesiastic dimension of the Church, acceptance, forgiveness, healing and reconciliation as well as futher growth in their faith.
Keywords: small community, participation in the sacramental life of the Church, divorce, forgiveness, healing, reconciliation

Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 99
Niektoré formy spirituality katolíkov, čo žijú v nesviatostnom manželstve
Some Forms of Spirituality of the Catholics Living in Non-Sacramental Marriage

For last twenty years the statistical data have shown that the divorce rate in Slovakia has grown dramatically. Since the year 2000 more than forty marriages out of one hundred end up in divorce. The sociological research of the reproduction behaviour of Slovak population and the sociological research of the religiosity of Slovak Catholics dating from the year 2007 show that the index of the marriage value is low among the Catholics, which indicates a successive erosion of the traditional understanding of Catholic marriage and family. Related to this is an increased number of Catholics living in non-sacramental marriage. The Church takes into account this phenomenon, and in the Apostolic exhortation Familiaris consortio stated a clear attitude towards it that appeals to pastoral care of these non-sacramental marriages and families. Several biblical texts indicate the possibilities of spiritual life also for those Catholics to whom, in the ordinary way, is not possible to receive the sacrament of reconciliation and the Eucharist. Based on biblical texts, different possibilities of spiritual life of such Catholics are pointed out. It is exactly the biblical spirituality that can foster their faith, hope and love, as well as their confidence in God and eternal salvation.
Keywords: the sacrament of marriage, divorce, non-sacramental marriage, biblical spirituality, penitential practice

Peter BUJKO SJ, s. 109
Ignaciánska spiritualita v službe kresťanom žijúcim v nesviatostnom manželstve
Ignatian Spirituality in Service for Christians Living in Non-Sacramental Marriage

Religious life of the Catholics who do not live in sacramental marriage is fundamentally influenced by their legal impossibility to receive sacraments. However, this situation does not need to necessarily mean the end of their spiritual life; on the contrary, it may be understood and accepted as a challenge towards a more intense spiritual life which is possible despite the mentioned constraint. Such people seek support in their situation, inspiration that would help them rightly live an intense spiritual life in the given circumstances.
In my contribution I would like to show that the Ignatian spirituality has in itself the potential and possibilities how to help these people in their life situation. First of all, I would like to present the universality of the Ignatian spirituality from which originates the possibility that even the people living in non-sacramental marriage can find support in this spirituality.
The keystone of the spiritual life is in the relation towards God. The Ignatian spirituality offers many impulses how to deepen and develop the personal relationship towards God as a fundamental relationship that afterwards determines all the other relationships. The main means of the Ignatian spirituality how to build one’s relationship towards God are the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. In my paper then I will try to suggest in which way the spiritual exercises may be a contribution for the spiritual life of Christians living in non-sacramental marriage. Prayer is one of the important means of developing one’s spiritual life. And it is exactly the Ignatian spirituality which offers intense school of prayer. I will conclude thus my contribution by pointing out those ways of the Ignatian prayer thatg may be a significant support in the lives of Catholics living in non-sacramental marriage.
Keywords: spiritual exercises, feeling God’s presence, reflection, contemplation, searching one’s conscience

Jozef KYSELICA SJ, s. 123
Odovzdávanie viery deťom v cirkevne neusporiadaných a neúplných rodinách
Transmission of Faith to the Children in Disrupted Families

Transmission of faith means a preparation, or setting the conditions for the meeting of the Divine Mystery and a human being, which must happen in freedom. It is a task of the Church, given by Jesus Christ in the missionary instruction: “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mk 16:15). The most natural way to transmit the faith takes place in the families. If the family is disrupted by divorce, division, violence, ideological or religious division of upbringing children, the transmission of faith does not posses the ideal conditions to be performed. If there is a parent missing, his or her supply is more than difficult. The upbringing is based on testimony, good relations, and peaceful human and religious atmosphere. The task of the pastoral care is to supply the absent matters in the transmission of faith in such disrupted families, as well as in the new non sacramental bonds of wedlock.
Keywords: faith, family, upbringing, pastoral care, children in family, mother, father

Ján ĎURICA SJ, s. 133
Pomoc neokatechumenátu rozpadnutým rodinám
Service of Neocatechumenal Communities to Non-Sacramental Marriages

According to the teachers of spiritual life a functioning family is the reflection of a lost paradise. Unfortunately in the last decades the Christian families all around the world are undergoing deep crisis. This situation is confirmed by a survey of religious commitment in Slovakia which was organized by the Theological faculty of the Trnava university. Family as a basic cell of society as well as of Church is in danger and needs help in many aspects in nowadays society. In this paper are presented the intent of the Creator as for a functioning family and in the same time the problems and shortcomings of the families which do not rely on sacraments and do not take advantage of the help offered by the Church, and also various manners the practicing Catholics try to help wounded or broken families. In particular the concrete help offered by the neocatechumenal groups as well as the offer of this movement that facilitates correct understanding of the sacrament of baptism and the consequences of this sacrament. The Church seeks how to help the families in crisis.
Keywords: family, broken marriage, Church, neocatechumenal movement, help
Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles  
Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 1
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