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Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis, roč. 13, 2015, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles  
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Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 5

Ján ĎAČOK SJ, s. 7
Nové výzvy pre prežívanie viery a jej odovzdávanie v podmienkach súčasného Slovenska
New Challenges for Life of Faith in Contemporaneous Slovakia

The article underlines two new challenges for the Catholic Church in Slovakia: presence of the Regional Office of Population Found of UN in Bratislava and National program of care of women, safe motherhood a reproductive health, prepared through the Goverment of Slovakia. Both strategies are very dangerous for the Slovak society, especially for the Catholic Church. The solutions could be found in positions of the Pope Benedict XVI., supporting family, and in the Pastoral plan of the Catholic Church in Slovakia 2007 – 2013.

Vybrané poznatky z výskumu religiozity katolíkov na Slovensku
Some Results of the Sociological Research of the Religiosity of Catholics in Slovakia

An interdisciplinary research team was established by the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Philosophy of Trnava University and by the Faculty of Theology of Trnava University. It consists of scholars in sociology and theology. The team examined the main parameters and dimensions of the religiosity of Catholics in Slovakia. The survey based on representative random sample of 2020 inhabitants of Slovakia aged from 18 to 60 was conducted. The selected results of the research are presented in this study. It contains the data concerning on these issues: 1. The religious socialization, especially on the role of the family and of the others agents of the religious socialization in the teaching of praying in the time of childhood. 2. The fellow feelings of Catholics with their parish community, on the informedness of parishioners about activities organized in parishes. 3. The attitudes of inhabitants of Slovakia towards the advocacy of the Christian standpoints in political scene. 4. The acceptance of some manifestations of the non Christian religiosity (occultism, augury, spiritism, UFO, etc.) among inhabitants of Slovakia.

Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 27
Pastorálno-teologické glosy k analýze religiozity katolíkov na Slovensku
Pastoral-Theological Glosses to the Analysis of Religiosity of Catholics in Slovakia

The first all-Slovak representative research of religiosity of Catholics in Slovakia, which took place in the year 2007, brings a deep insight into the life of the Catholic Church in Slovakia. For the first time it captures also those Catholics who participate only very little or poorly in the life of their church. Moreover, it reveals several facts that provoke both hope and worries. Rather high interest in and the reception of sacraments, high authority of the Church representatives, willingness to accept children – these are the expression of hope. On the contrary, the concerns are raised by a complicated relationship towards the sacrament of marriage and towards the family, weak feeling of the parish membership, lack of parish catechesis, low intensity of charity and of a mission zeal. Thus we point out at the necessity of the parish community renewal, mainly through its reforming to a communion of communities. We try to do so through the support of catechumenate, lay apostolate, lay movements, cooperation between the priests and laymen. The parish should become a place of acceptance and concern for all those who find themselves in various difficult life situations. The faithful should seek for such people and show them through their service Christ’s serving love through their servise. Finally a missionary dimension of the Church should obviously become a dimension of each parish. Renewal of faith in the parish should thus become fruitful for its own renewal and for the proclamation of the good news to those who still ignore Christ.
Keywords: parish, Church community, Catholic marriage, charity, parish catechesis, missions, lay apostolate, catechumenate

Tomáš GALIS, s. 39
Realizácia Pastoračného plánu Katolíckej cirkvi na Slovensku 2007 – 2013 cez pastoračné projekty v kontexte výsledkov analýz religiozity katolíkov na Slovensku
Realization of Pastoral Plan of the Catholic Church in Slovakia 2007 – 2013 through the Pastoral Projects

The author in his article takes a retrospective view of creating the pastoral plan. He emphasizes its priorities and novelties. Since the pastoral plan expresses the effort of a common quest for an effective means of preaching, an effort to recognize new pastoral attitudes, as well as offering an opportunity to cope together with the tasks that exceed the capability of an individual or particular community (parish and diocese) where this plan should find its practical realization. With respect to the reality, it is still necessary to observe carefully the signs of the times (signum temporis) and to make responsible decisions. Therefore this plan presents particular projects, schedules and responsibilities, not only general visions. The author points out how the Pastoral Plan of the Catholic Church in Slovakia 2007 – 2013 is being put into practice. In this process the visions are changing into actual pastoral projects. In particular, pastoral programs concerning family, youth and social issues are being addressed. The pastoral program of the renewal and education of priests and laity emphasizes a new standard of cooperation between clerics and laity through their systematic formation.

Jozef KYSELICA SJ, s. 49
Podnety sociologického výskumu pre pastoráciu farnosti
Impulses of the Sociological Research for the Parish Pastoral Care

In the last decades there have been more and more discussions in the Church concerning the questions of the parish, its justification, and eventually its structural changes. However, John Paul II. confirmed that the parish still remains the centre and the support both for the faithful and also for non-practising Christians. From the theological point of view the parish makes the Church present and participates in its major tasks which include witness, liturgy, service and mission. The pastoral plan for the years 2008 – 2013 which has been submitted by the Slovak bishops counts on with the effort to renew our parishes.
The publication Analysis of Religiosity in Slovakia brings forward sociological research which has been focused on present religiosity of the Slovak Catholics. Its third chapter entitled „Bond with the Parish Community of the Slovak Catholics“ provides certain positive as well as negative facts that presuppose also some consequences on the pastoral care. On the one hand, we can be pleased that four fifths of the survey respondents know which parish they belong to. In fact, they are those who attend the holy mass in their own church and more frequently receive sacraments. On the other hand, the research witnesses to the fact that up to 47 per cent of those knowing which parish they belong to at the same do not feel attached to it. It concerns mostly those younger faithful aged between 18 to 34. The identification with the parish has several levels and a different quality. The analysis of religiosity in the area of the bonds with the parish community will have considerable consequences also on the parish pastoral care. The pastoral plan includes four areas which should become a particular target of the pastoral. They include serving and communicating Church, stable family, responsible youth and a sympathetic community.
Keywords: parish community, pastoral plan, religiosity, non-practising Catholics, pastoral care

Bronisław MIERZWIŃSKI, s. 67
Kierunki działania duszpasterstwa rodzin v Polsce
Side Lines of Pastoral Care of Families in Poland

The concept of “pastoral care of families” includes three types of reality: the organizational structure of the Church, the field of pastoral work and scientific thought. These aspects are closely linked. Polish Conference of Bishops in 2003 issued a Directory of pastoral care of families.
This article contains three parts. Part I shows the genesis and development of the pastoral care of families in Poland since 1956. Part II discusses the basic tasks (form) in the pastoral care of families: the defense of human life from conception to natural death, preparation for marriage (read, for children, closer – for young people from 17 years of age, the direct – for engaged couples), family counseling, the creation of families communities, homes for single mothers, adoption and care centers. In Part III is a brief attempt to balance the pastoral care of families in Poland. It encountered difficulties in a number of objective and subjective. However, after 50 years the argument can be made that the pastoral care of families in Poland is among the most developed of all European countries. Part IV points to the new challenges and new forms of pastoral work families. We need an adequate response to such phenomena as the Gender theory, homosexual unions, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization. The new form are for example naprotechnologia or “Window of Life” for the rescue of abandoned infants.
Pastoral-theological reflection in conjunction with empirical research provides a valuable guide for the pastoral care of families.
Keywords: pastoral care of families, the Catholic Church, Poland

Tomasz WIELEBSKI, s. 77
Pastoralne aspekty świętowania nedzieli
Pastoral Aspects of Celebrating Sunday

When writing about the crisis of celebrating Sundays, in 1998, John Paul II writes in an apostolic letter Dies Domini that in some regions „the small number of people attending Sunday Eucharist is a result of lack of strong religious motivation“ (DD 5). Looking at study results measuring the religiousness of people in Slovakia and Poland, it can be seen that the number of Catholics attending church regularly on Sundays is not satisfactory. Many not only do not participate in Sunday mass, but also do not know how to celebrate (see DD 4). In response to the 2003 calling in Ecclesia in Europa to undertake educational, spiritual and public initiatives to help celebrate Sundays the right way (see EiE 81), the author discusses the problems of pastoral aspects in doing so.
By referring to the Bible and the Church’s Magistrates, the author showed the essence and methods of living through Sundays in horizontal and vertical aspects. There are also sociological study results showing the percentage of people attending Sunday mass in Poland, as well as study results showing the thoughts of Poles on shopping on Sundays and prohibition of trade. The ending contains recommended initiatives, which could slow down the inappropriate tendencies and help Catholics find the meaning of celebrating Sundays. The most important ones are: understanding and sharing the text of the documents contained in the Church’s Magistrates dealing with theological meaning of the Lord’s Day; emphasizing good preparation and celebration of Sunday’s Eucharist; awakening the people to the fact that a consequence of the Eucharist is to engage in public service; the parish proposing different forms of spending the Sunday free time; lobbying the government to prohibit or diminish trade on Sundays and encourage people to rest; forming and developing a social movement to retain the holiday character of Sundays. All of these efforts are to help the theme of Sunday to be „better known and celebrated“ (DD 87).
Key words: celebrating Sundays, pluralistic society, religious studies, Sunday shopping

Mateusz Jakub TUTAK, s. 95
Współczesna rodzina Polska w świetle statystyk i badań
The Contemporary Family in Poland according to Statistics and Research

The twenty-first century reality releases new hopes but also fears. We realize how much and how fast is changing in us and around us. These changes will not remain neutral to family, which, as the Charter of the Rights of the Family says, is a natural and original compared to any other community. Analysis of the situation of the modern family help to read signum temporis faced by each family, the whole social system, until finally, each institution, even the Church, which cares on the development of humanity.
Thanks to the view of population trends we can identify the causes and effects of the current phase of demographic changes in Poland. The marriage and the families grow in this reality – they are the first to reproduce the natural environment and discover the identity of gender, personality, nationality, or religion. There should be also noted the risk and worrying phenomenon accompanying the contemporary family. This helps to show the seriousness of the situation and the question what to do next to avoid the negative effects of change civilization.
Keywords: family, martrimony, demographic transition, structure of the population

Michal HOSPODÁR, s. 101
Modlitba a jej význam pre život kresťanskej rodiny
Common Prayer and Its Importance for Christian Family Life

The contribution deals with the question of the Christian family from pastoral view. It especially watches the demand of observance of Christian family living under the impression of the prayer. It is based on the results of the sociological research of the Catholics’ religiousness in Slovakia in mentioned area. An optimal model of spiritual family life according to Magisterium is presented in this contribution. The application of particular proposals and suggestions are modified for individual families and also for larger communities. A new, actually developing project of Prayers for families in Kosice Eparchy is here introduced, too.
The aim of this contribution is to confirm effectiveness and importance of the prayer in daily crisis situations, though in contemporary threat of family as the unit. By the same time it wants to provide the hope to its happy life trough the building of the vertical relation to the God by its members.
Key words: prayer, passing on the faith, relation, education

Michaela MORAVČÍKOVÁ, s. 113
„Nové nebo“ a „nová zem“ : Niekoľko poznámok ku problematike nekresťanskej mimocirkevnej religiozity
“New Heaven” and “New Earth” : A Few Remarks about the Issue of the Non-Christian Out-Of-Church Religiosity

Since the fall of communism in 1989 and opening up to the outside world, we have reflected a great interest in new religiosity, or better to say, in alternative spirituality not only among the youth. Slovakia, like other post-communist countries, contrary to the traditional democracies, where the pluriformity of the spiritual scene was developing slowly, has not been prepared sufficiently for the sophisticated marketing methods especially for the economical profit-oriented subjects making use of existential demands and spiritual needs of the people. Particular alternative treatment methods, often overlapping the field of religiosity, have not only gradually become an alternative to the classical medicine, but also gained the status of trendiness among the broad layers of society. It is the task of the pastoral theology to grasp the issue of the alternative spirituality and new and non-traditional religious movements, and, in appropriate way, to enlighten all interested subjects within the frame of pre-gradual or post-gradual courses and offer them a manual for handling various situations related to the brought up issue.
Keywords: religiosity, alternative spirituality, new religious movements, sectarian activities, alternative therapy, alternative educational methods, pastoral theology

Marian ŠURÁB, s. 123
Analýza religiozity katolíkov na Slovensku ako pomôcka pri príprave homílie
The Analysis of Catholic Religiosity in Slovakia as Aid in the Homily Preparation

It is very important that preachers preparing their homilies have a general knowledge of cultural and religious environment in which their listeners are living. The sociological analyses can also be of help in this way. Subsequently, they can be compared with statements of sociologists, psychologists and theologians. The work points out some cultural tendencies that are implicitly present in sociological research, too. Today’s man appreciates his freedom, possibility to have a right to choose and accept decisions. With regard to his desire for appropriate living standard we can call him “homo economicus”. Religious tendencies prove themselves mainly as a process of secularization, attended by weakened relation with the ecclesial community and a small influence of religiosity on everyday life. Religious pluralism is one of the characteristic features nowadays.
Key words: preacher, environment, culture, religion, homily

Milan FULA, s. 131
Valorizácia adekvátnej antropológie v rodinnej pastorácii na Slovensku
Valorization of Adequate Anthropology in Family Pastoral Care in Slovakia

Western society and Slovakia as well is going through a moral and value crisis, which leads to progressive deconstruction of traditional family. The stated fact is documented by empiric data of first religiosity analysis of Catholics in Slovakia, which is pointing at successive relativism in marriage values, at liberalization of attitude to cohabitations, at favoring of low fertility and at minor role of fathers in education to faith. The crisis of family as a part of new anthropological question represents a great challenge to which John Paul II answered in an original way with his adequate anthropology, especially by his theology of body. It is necessary to valorisate basic contents of adequate anthropology in pastoral care of family – law of the gift, sacramental and spousal character of body, institutional dimension of marriage, unitive and procreative aspect of marriage, gift of child, reciprocity of man and woman in family, Church and society. Adequate anthropology, implying “christian” feminism and social teaching about family represents “sexual contrarevolution” for third millennia and underrated treasure, which is in Slovak environment necessary to study and apply to life not only among the lay people, but also among clergymen. In effort to evangelize family as natural and sacramental value, in its anthropological and social dimension the family shouldn’t be only the object of pastoration, but also and mainly it’s active protagonist. On the practical field it’s necessary to connect youth and family ministry, to continue in animation of state and church schools, improving premarital preparation, to support pro-family organizations and family culture.
Key words: theology of body, law of gift, reciprocity of man and woman, social dimension of family, pastoral care of family.
Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 1
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