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 Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis, roč. 13, 2015, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
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   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
Ladislav CSONTOS SJ, s. 5

Przemysław ARTEMIUK, s. 7
Europa – nadzieje i niebezpieczeństwa w myśli kard. Josepha Ratzingera
Europe – Hopes and Dangers in Thinking of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

Reading Cardinal Ratzinger, one can get the impression that the future of Europe is rather pessimistic. Nevertheless, the diagnosis made by him allows us to have some hope. Europe has to learn how to separate its dangers from its real greatness. It is the factor which will show whether the old continent becomes the synonym of blessing or curse. Cardinal Ratzinger puts forward three arguments whose realization will secure Europe’s future. Firstly, it should refuse the faith in progress which is becoming post Christian religion denying the belief in God. Secondly, it is important to put ethics above politics in order to prevent political actions from being pseudoprogressive. Finally, Cardinal Ratzinger proposes not to employ anti-Christian ethics as there is no place for “indispensible thoughts about God”. According to Cardinal Ratzinger, Europe fulfilling these conditions has a chance to become a hope for the world, not only a geographical entry.

Gloria BRAUNSTEINER, s. 13
Môže teológia krásna utvárať ducha novej Európy?
Can the Theology of Beauty Help to Influence the Spirit of Europe?

The spirit of Europe is to a great extent oriented towards achieving results. One could speak here of a civilization of striving. Europeans suffer from a lack of free time, of space to explore their creativity, due at least in part to the fact that the habit of celebrating feasts has been lost. The meaning of Sunday has been submerged under a welter of secular activities and goals. But the search for meaning continues, the search for something to live for – in fact for beauty, the sacred, values worth self-transcendence. The transcendentals of truth, goodness and beauty can exist only in very close relationship to each other and therefore theology too has to integrate them. H. U.von Balthasar did so in the 20th century when he founded his theology of beauty within a line of lost tradition. In the first part of his trilogy, „Herrlichkeit“, he states that not only theology but life itself is in danger of lacking „existence“ if the beauty of creation, in which God is revealed in the world, is neglected. Culture and art are prerequisites for the opening up of the human person. The theology of aesthetics – to be differentiated from an „aesthetic theology“ per se – has a similar role.

Andrej FILIPEK SJ, s. 19
Aké kresťanstvo potrebuje zjednotená Európa?
What Kind of Christianity is Needed in a Unified Europe?

Referring to the fact that the Church is communio fidelium subordinated to the God’s word, a community in society, and that only due to the basis of the challenge to new thinking (metanoia) finds itself as a community, which in its following the Christ is not to be adapted to the world. It means that it must be visible in its life, in its learning, in mutual co-living, as well as issuing evidence on the fact that the Christ lives and leads people to their salvation. If we want to search for the question: What kind of Christianity is needed by a unified Europe? we must explicitly take into account a single believer, because each individual influences, how the present world is perceived by the Church and Christianity. Salvation might be experienced and delivered mainly by the life of belief, therefore only believers through Christ’s Spirit wake belief up in the others. If Christianity is to help people of the present and future find the way to their fullness, which means to their salvation, then it is suitable to recommend the blissful memory of the pope Paul VI., who wrote these words: “A man of today prefers listening to the witnesses rather than to the teachers, and if he/she listens to the teachers, then, only because they at the same time are witnesses.”
In adherence to the doctrine of the Council, which focuses on the necessity of “searching for the sings of the times and explain them in the light of the Gospel”, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge and consequences of the theology of community (communio) in an open discussion. Co-operation between priests and laymen is relevant to the current situation. Attention should be driven also on the relation between freedom and evangelization, because in present Europe freedom is mentioned too much and its interpretation is often derived from liberal, individualistic and utilitaristic opinions. The presence and testimony of the saints is crucial. Sanctity is the main prerequisite for authentic evangelization, which tries to give the human being of today the thing which he/she misses the most – hope. Therefore authentically personal and common testimony of a new life in Christ is required from present Christianity.

Petr JELEN, s. 27
Kam směřuje církev v České republice?
Where is the Church in Czech Republic Tending?

My study was based on the analysis of situation of Czech Church after the so called Velvet revolution. I used it to show the defects, which caused the weaking of the position of Catholic Church in the Czech society and by this weakening the ability to give a witness about the gospel. I have also analysed contemporary options of new evangelization and showed that perspective is in patient personal pastoration with particular persons interested in meeting with the Church. This can happen on many levels of work of priests, monks, nuns and of course laymans. Not nearly all „atheistic“ are closed to the Church’s witness. Finally I have written that in a kind of way Czech Church is a model for future European Churches, which are going to work among new generations of „atheistic“ population. With its minority part in society the life of Czech Church shows that the strenght of faith and enthusiasm for the gospel enables to give a witness about faith in atheistic background.

Igor KRÁL, s. 33
Budeme schopní s teológiou, ktorú študujeme dnes, odpovedať na výzvy, čo nám kladie nová Európa?
Will We Be Able, with Our Theological Studies Today, Give Answers to the Questions Which the Modern Europe Places before Us?

Dialog between the Catholic Church and Christian denominations, other members of human society and problems of modern Europe are challenges and at the same time also opportunities for us. It is necessary, during our theological studies, to learn not only to answer a concrete problem, but also to make a contextualized theology, based on God’s will and teachings of the Church.
We were finding out in the questionnaire, the problems and challenges seen by the students that till what extend are they prepared for, by their teachers, and also about their opinion on theological studies. The participants were students of 4th, 5th and 6th year of theological studies at Slovak theological faculties. Most of the students, on one hand, are well experienced in different fields of life (work, having done another university), but on the other hand do not have systematized approach towards the theological studies. Students with a sense of criticism have a more responsible approach towards the studies. Students are more informed not by literature but by mass communications.
Half of the students are satisfied that they’re being sufficiently prepared, but the other half feels that the preparation is insufficient. In the fields of moral theology (development of hedonism, culture of death, moral freedom), they feel well prepared, also in the areas of dialog with atheism and social injustice. Preparations for dialog in the context of philosophical theology (agnosticism, cultural pluralism, inter religious dialog) and in social fields (failures in marriages, immigration) aren’t rated high. There is a heavily made emphasis on active and traditional Catholics.
A good amount of participants responded to the form of teaching (so important for good attitude in contents of subjects) as monolog, aimed at memorizing and lacking in dialog, seminars, systematized creativity that leads to a meaningful end.
Keywords: challenges of modern Europe, preparation at Slovak theological faculties, form of education, contextualized theology.

Zbigniew KUBACKI SJ, s. 41
Czy jednocząca Europa staje się miejscem jednoczącego dialogu między religiami?
Is the Unifying Europe a Place for the Unifying Inter-Religious Dialogue?

The Year 2008 is the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. One of the important dimensions of this celebration is the inter-religious dialogue. The European Union is a vibrant mix of people of many faiths, cultures and traditions. However suspicion of Muslims and Islam has risen in many EU Member States in the aftermath of the September 11th 2001 attacks in USA, and the deadly bomb attacks in Spain in March 2004 and in UK in July 2005. The promotion of inter-religious dialogue in order to counter this kind of religious fundamentalism becomes all the more important issue. But it would be wrong to limit this dialogue only to the dialogue between Christians and Muslims just because they are the most important and influential religious groups in Europe as well as in the world. Rather the dialogue with Judaism should remain the paradigmatic one. It would be wrong however to limit it just to the practical level. Yes, the inter-religious dialogue can help to prevent confrontation by encouraging cooperation and contacts between people of different faiths and can contribute to peaceful cohabitation and social cohesion. Nevertheless this dialogue should also take into account the theological issue. This kind of dialogue has to be done by the specialists, the theologians. It will give a solid foundations for other kinds of inter-religious dialogue: dialogue of live, dialogue of cooperation and dialogue of spiritual exchange. The added value of the inter-religious dialogue can be our common testimony in the secularized Europe of the primacy of God in the live of every human being.

Józef KULISZ SJ, s. 49
Jednocząca się Europa wyzwaniem dla chrześcijaństwa
Unifying Europe – Challenge for Christianity

Contemporary Europe is a puzzle made of nations, languages and religions. Each nation has its own distinctive past and with it, separates ideas of the future. Couple of decades ago, European continent began with inner integration of markets, culture, economy and politics. It may appear that this process of integration is surpassing Christianity, which, together with Greek philosophy and Roman law was one of the milestones for Europe and its history. Also some of political decisions seem to show Christianity as a religion surpassing its intentions. A question is made: Should people who are believers see the process of unifying Europe as a sign on time?
Keywords: atheism, indifference, agnosticism, unification, nation, Christianity.

Stanisław RABIEJ, s. 57
Czy Unia Europejska jest społecznością ścierających się egoizmów?
Is the European Union the Place of National Egoisms Confrontation?

The paper sought to interpret the role and position of national countries in the integration process. There is no doubt that the success of the integration process depends to a large extend on those, who place themselves at the so called background of the socio-political map of Europe. This is how the position and role of national countries is often considered. The mere recognition of these national groups does not always go hand in hand with proper understanding of their needs and expectations. The main thesis of the study was to prove that it is the individual and not a nation that is the subject of European rights, for their source is the dignity of the human being who belongs to national composer of European Unity. There is no contradiction between the individual and society. On the contrary, there is a mutual subordination, assuming that the person is always a goal, and society is a means to this goal. This is a result of recognition of person as an independent subject of social life. National countries is a secondary subject and without human person there is no real existence of societies. The reason why a community together with all institutions have been established is to serve man, and not to pursue goals in themselves. The minority group is a subject different from the sum of individuals that make it. The relations between the elements make up the whole whose conditions for existence cannot be reduced to the sum of all conditions of the existence of its elements. Thus the minority group is a moral independent subject.

Czy Europie zagraża zmierzch chrześcijaństwa?
Is Europe Threatened with the Fall of Christianity?

Christianity, as it was frequently pointed out by John Paul II has given Europe its shape, instilling in it certain values and being the main factor of human and cultural integrity, integral promotion of an individual and its rights. Does now the integrating Europe still need Christianity which is both a great gift and a challenge at the same time? Human’s freedom allows one to accept the gift or reject it as something unnecessary, invaluable, deteriorated or even hazardous to our life. Does Christianity still hold its own value and power in the view of Europe? And if it does, then why is it being fought against in so many respects? On the other hand, does Christianity as such need nowadays to be an effective power to change reality and to make God credible in this world? Christianity, which is missionary in its nature, is facing not so much a crisis or a fall today but more some new challenges in different aspects of our everyday life.
Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 1
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Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 1
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