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> HLAVNÁ STRÁNKA > Publikačná činnosť > Teologický časopis |
Teologický časopis |
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Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles
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Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles
Štúdie* Articles |
Lieven BOEVE, s. 5
Cirkev ako locus theologicus v súčasnej Európe. Kultúrno-telogická reflexia
The Church as locus theologicus in Contemporary Europe. Cultural-Theological Reflexion.
In Lumen Gentium the council fathers defined the Church as ‘sacrament, as sign and instrument of the intimate union with God and of the unity of the whole of humanity’ (LG 1). In Gaudium et Spes the council then elaborates how the Church may assume its specific mediatory role in today’s world, ‘examining the signs of the times and interpreting them in the light of the gospel’. It is at this point that we start our cultural-theological reflection on the Church as locus theologicus in contemporary Europe. In the first part we shortly shed some light on the socio-cultural developments which have changed the religious landscape of Europe: detraditionalisation and individualisation on the one hand, pluralisation on the other. Afterwards we make an attempt to ‘examine the signs of the times’ and to reflect on the consequences of these changes for the Church as a locus theologicus, as a place from which to speak about God, from which God speaks, to which God speaks. So doing we suggest that the changed religious situation in Europe necessitates the Church to reconsider and re-envision its dialogue with the world. Conceiving of the relation between faith and context in terms of ‘interruption’ could be a most promising way to answer the challenges of our times. In the relation between Christian faith and context, such interruption then is mutually operative. The dialogue with the context interrupts Christian self-understanding, and it is a Church that learns the lessons of this contextual interruption, interpreting them in light of the Gospel, that will be able to interrupt the context, preaching the gospel in ways adequate to it.
Gloria BRAUNSTEINER, s. 17
Potrebujeme dedičný hriech?
Do We Need „Original Sin“?
Sin is contemporarily an unpopular word. An even deeper problem is the theological understanding of „original sin“, manifesting an ontological quality of present humanity. The article analyses the „what“ and the „why“ of the catholic dogma and seeks an adequate understanding as well as possibilities of reflection on „original sin“, its consequences and its sense for soteriology.
Ladislav BUČKO, s. 25
Kultúra a misijná činnosť Cirkvi
Culture and Missionary Activity of the Church
This article examines relationship between the Church’s missionary activity and culture. The author presents culture as a partner of the Church in the dialogue. There are several aspects of culture which play an important role in this dialogue: plurality of cultures, transcendent dimension of culture which points beyond the visible human life, dynamism of culture which means cultural changes flowing from contacts among cultures and contact with gospel as well, tradition of culture and culture in relation to religion. The author shows five stages of relationship between christianity and culture in history. There is also place in the article given to intercultural communication in mission which is seen in its complexity as an actual issue of contemporary missionary efforts. To carry out missionary activity of the Church is science as well as art work. It means to communicate the gospel message in the local culture. Nations and their cultures could be touched by the Holy Spirit who renews all earth. Christ’s gospel is not bound with any particular culture and tradition but it is able to get to relationship to each culture, which can be renewed by a power of gospel.
Vít HUŠEK, s. 35
Svoboda a milost v nejstarších latinských komentářích k pavlovským epištolám. Marius Victorinus, Ambrosiaster, Jeroným
Freedom and Grace according to the Earliest Latin Commentaries on Paul’s Letters. Marius Victorinus, Ambrosiaster, Jerome
The earliest Latin commentaries on Paul’s letters, written several decades before the Pelagian controversy, emphasize both the necessity of God’s help and the importance of human effort. Marius Victorinus and Ambrosiaster describe the situation of fallen humanity and the process of redemption through Christ. It is God who has the first initiative but human being has to respond to this generous offer through faith. The moment of human decision is described by Victorinus as an indistinguishable “mixture” of divine and human activity; Ambrosiaster stresses that no one is forced to decide for faith; Jerome points out that man is an image of God precisely because he does not behave well necessarily, but voluntarily. God helps people to decide but his vocation does not impose necessity on their behaviour. God wants all people to be saved but not apart from their own will. Both God’s grace and human activity is necessary but there is no contrast or rivalry between them.
Key words: Marius Victorinus Afer, Ambrosiaster, Jerome, Freedom, Necessity, New Testament, Exegesis, Apostle Paul
Michal CHABADA, s. 45
Vzťah nadprirodzeného zjavenia a prirodzeného poznania podľa Jána Dunsa Scota
The Relationship between Supernatural Revelation and Natural Cognition according to John Duns Scotus
For Scotus, the relationship between metaphysics and theology is a case of the relationship between „natural“ and „supernatural“. Metaphysics employs naturally created simple concepts (incomplexa); these incomplexa constitute building blocks for propositions (complexa). Revelation is delivered through statements using concepts obtained in a natural way. Theological truths known from Revelation are in this way adjusted to the capacity of human understanding – otherwise Revelation would be incomprehensible.
Metaphysics rises through abstractive cognition towards the common and indefinite idea of being as such; metaphysics proves God by means of „quia“ way and identifies him as „infinite being“; this „infinite being“ is the goal of metaphysics as well as the subject of our theology of necessary and contingent truths.
The mutual relationship of theology and metaphysics is based upon the concept of being and its modal explication. Metaphysical inquiry has achieved its peak in the concept of infinite being, and our theology fills this naturally obtained concept with contents provided by Revelation – since the concept of „infinite being“ remains relatively empty within the range of metaphysics.
Key words: theology, metaphysics, natural and supernatural, modal explication of the concept of being
Miloš LICHNER SJ, s. 53
Niekoľko impulzov z leuvenského kongresu pre slovenskú teológiu
Some Impulses from Leuven for the Slovak Catholic Theology
The aim of this article is to inform about an international congress which took place in Leuven in September 13 – 16, 2007 with the topic “Religion and the European Project“ subtitled “Theological Perspectives“. Participants wanted to clarify the question, how we can, as theologians, contribute to the European values in unifying Europe, which is changing so much on a religious level. In this context Christianity should elucidate anew its position and contribute to the changing face of Europe. In successive steps we will present at first three major impulses of the congress from Godfried Cardinal Danneel’s: The Role of Ethics in an Enlarged Europe; Ursula King’s: Responding to the Multifaith Realities of Contemporary Europe : A Venture and Paul Valadier’s: L’Europe devant son passé religieux : Réflexion sur une polemique. Consequently we will present their impact on the Slovak Catholic society: the Slovak collaboration in clarifying the European character, the necessity of accurate dialogue, the spiritual roots of Europe versus consuming culture and the knowledge and acceptance of our past. |
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