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 Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis
Teologický časopis, roč. 13, 2015, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 12, 2014, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 11, 2013, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 10, 2012, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 9, 2011, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 8, 2010, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 7, 2009, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles  
Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 2
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Teologický časopis, roč. 6, 2008, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews  
Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 5, 2007, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 4, 2006, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 3, 2005, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
   Štúdie* Articles ZATVORIŤ
Józef KULISZ SJ s. 5
Intelektuálny apoštolát – poslanie jezuitov v intenciách Teilharda de Chardin
Intellectual Apostolate – Mission of the Jesuits according to Teilhard de Chardin

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin many times wrote about intellectual apostolate, always stressing its necessity. More than that, everything he wrote, and most of all his own work and life among the elite of science of the twentieth century, and his philosophico-theological reflection – are itself a remarkable realization of that apostolate. Particular example of his understanding of intellectual apostolate and the way it should become the mission of the Jesuits, provides the letter of the Superior General J. B. Janssens (July 1947) sent to the Jesuits of the Province Paris and common reflection of the Jesuits during the conference. In his lecture, P. Teilhard de Chardin spoke about intellectual apostolate. He referred to scientific tradition of the Jesuits, that should be alive in difficult times after the war, times when science became religion of the West. Among many apostolic activities of the Jesuits, some of them have to enter the elite of science, and they should receive a broad scientific background. They should be present where a neohumanism is formed, and through making Christ present in it, revealing the final fulfillment of the reality.

Ján LETZ s. 13
Chápanie zla u Teilharda de Chardin
Comprehension of Evil according to Teilhard de Chardin

The author investigates the development of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s thinking in the questions of evil and original sin. He was stated in sense of the evolutional paradigma the origin of evil and of original sin does not consist in some time-spacial localisated event (Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden), but in whole cosmic and human history. Against a neoplatonic conception of the origin of evil and of the original sin Teilhard put a new conception created on the basis of the contemporary experiences of sciences and of realistic philosophy. But more questions remain still open.

Zlatica PLAŠIENKOVÁ s. 25
Duchovná jednota ľudstva podľa Teilharda de Chardin – výzva pre súčasnosť
The Spiritual Unity of Mankind according to Teilhard de Chardin – the Challenge for the Present Time

The article deals with the spiritual heritage of French thinker Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in the contemporary context. The author of this paper concentrates her interest on the problem of the value of Unity of Mankind. This question is connected with the phenomenon of Love and the phenomenon of the experience of the Ambivalency in the evolutionary process of Universe and Mankind.

Ladislav BUČKO s. 35
Misijné úsilie Ruskej pravoslávnej cirkvi
Missionary Effort of the Russian Orthodox Church

After Constantinopol fell into Moslem’s hands, importance of Moscow was increasing and it was becoming so called the third Rome. Almost all Russian czars after Ivan III supported an idea of the third Rome. From a period of czar Ivan IV Terrible, when Russians delivered from the tartar-mongolian empire and captured tartarian state of Kazan, missionary activities among Tartars started. From the 16th century ran mission to Volga’s people, Calmycs and others. Originally they were lama budhists. In the half of 19th century was successful mission done among Oseti nation of the northern Kavkaz region. In the 18th century during and after czar Peter I. period missionary activities in Siberia region was run. During the first half of the 19th century Russian missionaries had done missionary work in North America, after they reached Alaska. The missionary service of the Russian orthodox church was eliminated under communist regime, when bolshevics took a political power. From nineties of the 20th century, when totalitarian regime has fallen, Russian orthodox church is challenged to provide missionary service in post-soviet countries as well as in Asia countries, as Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Korea etc.

Jiří SKOBLÍK s. 45
Teologické glosy ke gay-les orientaci (2. časť)
Theological Remarks on the Gay-Les Orientation (2nd part)

This paper does not submit exhaustive information about the contemporary empirical and humanitary research on homosexuality. It remarks only on the facts from the documents of Church, moral-theological publications and sexuological papers on the given topic.
It deals with the main arguments for and against homosexuality and considers as an important task an ethicaly plausible way between the refusal af homosexual life and the difficulties of sexual abstinence.
It stresses the conflict of the two conceptions of life in the present society, the hedonistic and diaconic one. The diaconic conception of sexuality is not necessarily seen as abstinency but as the standpoint to sex with regard to its rationally understood meaning and not under the influence of instinctive tendencies.
Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 2, 2004, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 2
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
Teologický časopis, roč. 1, 2003, č. 1
Štúdie* Articles Recenzie*Reviews Správy*Materials  
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